Army Officers Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Army Officers". There are currently 10 quotes in our collection about Army Officers. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Army Officers!
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  • Discipline is simply the art of making the soldiers fear their officers more than the enemy.

  • Live for something rather than die for nothing. —George Patton

    Cindy Gerard (2008). “Whisper No Lies”, p.9, Simon and Schuster
  • I often compare myself as a kid to my own grandchildren, who are around 11 and 14 now. That's the age kids usually read my book. And I remember myself, we'd gone through a world war. My father was an army officer so I was aware of what was going on. But I wasn't bombarded with images of catastrophe like many kids are today.

    "Lois Lowry, ‘Son’ And ‘The Giver’ Author, Reflects On Dystopian Novels, Psychopaths And Why Kids Make The Best Audiences". Interview with Lucas Kavner, October 5, 2012.
  • Live for something rather than die for nothing.

  • What's always got me is the fact that when people talked on the telly about Iraq, before Afghanistan kicked off, you'd get only these public-school-type army officers talking about what was going on out there. I kept thinking, 'Why don't we get the true voice of the squaddie? Why don't we hear from the lads on the battlefield?'

  • The world and all its wisdom is but a booby, blundering school-boy that needs management and could be managed, if men and women would be human beings instead of just business men, or plumbers, or army officers, or commuters, or educators, or authors, or clubwomen, or traveling salesmen, or Socialists, or Republicans, or Salvation Army leaders, or wearers of cloths.

  • In fact, my mom always told me because I was the daughter of an Army officer born overseas in Paris, France, that under the Constitution she believed that I could never run for president.

  • Either I will come back after hoisting the Tricolor, or I will come back wrapped in it, but I will be back for sure.

  • My dad sacrificed many things in life for me. He abandoned a very promising and lucrative career of an army officer just so that he could continue helping me with my chess and accompanying me to tournaments.

  • Our cause in the war on terror isn't helped when we have army officers like Lieutenant General William Boykin speaking in evangelical churches and claiming this as some sort of battle for the Christian religion. That's wrong. That's un-American.

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