Negative And Positive Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Negative And Positive". There are currently 21 quotes in our collection about Negative And Positive. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Negative And Positive!
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  • Surround yourself with positive people.

  • There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.

    Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone (1960). “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude”, p.282, Simon and Schuster
  • Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.

    FaceBook post by Willie Nelson from Oct 29, 2013
  • Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities -- always see them, for they're always there.

    Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (2007). “The Tough-Minded Optimist”, p.21, Simon and Schuster
  • I had to come from something, come from a place that was negative and positive but the majority of it is a negative place.

    "Kendrick Lamar Explains 'good Kid, M.a.a.d City' Cover Art". FUSE Interview, September 19, 2012.
  • No need to choose; become choiceless. And whatsoever happens happens; whatsoever happens is good. Let things happen rather than trying to do, and you will be surprised that all ambiguity disappears. It is a by-product of the chooser's mind, the choosing mind, that creates ambiguity. Otherwise there is no dilemma. Negative and positive are perfectly balancing in life.

  • Precisely constructed models for linguistic structure can play an important role, both negative and positive, in the process of discovery itself. By pushing a precise but inadequate formulation to an unacceptable conclusion, we can often expose the exact source of this inadequacy and, consequently, gain a deep understanding of the linguistic data. More positively, a formalized theory may automatically provide solutions for many problems other than those for which it was explicitly designed.

    Noam Chomsky (2002). “Syntactic Structures”, p.5, Walter de Gruyter
  • It is the movement between the negative and positive poles that creates electricity. It is the attraction between the male and the female that creates new life. The dynamics of the universe are dialectical, apparently in a conflict, but occurring within a larger context of unity and wholeness. This is the understanding of the Tantra vision.

    Margot Anand (1995). “The Art of Sexual Magic”, Tarcher
  • Positive anything is better than negative nothing.

    Elbert Hubbard, Bert Hubbard (1923). “Selected writings of Elbert Hubbard: his mintage of wisdom, coined from a life of love, laughter and work”
  • Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.

    FaceBook post by Zig Ziglar from Dec 08, 2014
  • Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

  • Westerners think that all that is negative and positive is only caused from outside of themselves. They materialize and externalize their experiences, never understanding the connection between outer and inner phenomena or interdependent phenomena, looking for explanations only from objects through nihilist habit instead of from the subjective experience of their own minds.

  • I have one great political idea... That idea is an old one. It is widely and generally assented to; nevertheless, it is very generally trampled upon and disregarded. The best expression of it, I have found in the Bible. It is in substance, "Righteousness exalteth a nation - sin is a reproach to any people." This constitutes my politics, the negative and positive of my politics, and the whole of my politics... I feel it my duty to do all in my power to infuse this idea into the public mind, that it may speedily be recognized and practiced upon by our people.

    Frederick Douglass' Speech Delivered At The Mass Free Democratic Convention At Ithaca, New York, October 14, 1852.
  • Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.

  • You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.

  • Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.

  • It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.

  • A good Judoka never anticipates his action in a match, but his mind is as clever as a polished mirror which enables him to foresee precisely anything to happen and he displays freedom of his physique to cope with any change. Such mental state and physical action are called sei or tranquility and do or action, sometimes they are called ju and go or tenderness and sturdiness, in and yo or negative and positive, etc.

    "The Canon of Judo". Book by Kyuzo Mifune, 1956.
  • All talking is good, negative and positive. Stabbing is bad; talking is good.

  • After I became a citizen, I felt freer to say what I thought about this country, both negative and positive. I think I had been, consciously and subconsciously, biting my tongue in the past.

  • An investigator starts research in a new field with faith, a foggy idea, and a few wild experiments. Eventually the interplay of negative and positive results guides the work. By the time the research is completed, he or she knows how it should have been started and conducted.

    Donald J Cram, Jane M Cram (2007). “Container Molecules and Their Guests”, p.1, Royal Society of Chemistry
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