Unable To Sleep Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Unable To Sleep". There are currently 11 quotes in our collection about Unable To Sleep. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Unable To Sleep!
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  • Don Quixote followed nature, and being satisfied with his first sleep, did not solicit more. As for Sancho, he never wanted a second, for the first lasted him from night to morning, indicating a sound body and a mind free from care; but his master, being unable to sleep himself awakened him, saying, "I am amazed, Sancho, at the torpor of thy soul; it seems as if thou wert made of marble or brass, insensible of emotion or sentiment!

    Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1866). “Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha”, p.681
  • I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?

  • Dreams should be forgotten when we wake. Or one day we will find ourselves unable to sleep.

  • I willingly trust myself to chance. I let my thoughts wander, I digress, not only sitting at my work, but all day long, all night even. It often happens that a sentence suddenly runs through my head before I go to bed, or when I am unable to sleep, and I get up again and write it down.

    Simone de Beauvoir (1977). “Force of circumstance”
  • I'm just one gigantic ball of rancid fear and self-consciousness. I'm entirely fueled by fear, so the fact that I knew it could be a catastrophic disaster made me unable to sleep, and made me work quite hard.

    Interview with Jennifer Lawrence, www.interviewmagazine.com. January 12, 2015.
  • I see all this talent, all this...this energy and brightness and...potential. Yes. Potential. And I cannot for the life of me see how you can be content to live this tiny life. This life that will take place almost entirely within a five mile radius and contain nobody who will ever surprise you or push you or show you things that will leave your head spinning and unable to sleep at night.

  • I was unable to sleep and I would stay up and draw these little cartoons. Then a friend showed them around. Before I knew it I was a cartoonist.

  • We didn’t deny the obvious, but we didn’t entirely accept it either. I mean, we said hello to it each morning in the foyer. We patted its little head as it made a mess in the backyard, but we never nurtured it. Many nights the obvious showed up at our bedroom door, in its pajamas, unable to sleep, in need of a hug, and we just stared at it like an Armenian, or even worse— hid beneath the covers and pretended not to hear its tiny sobs.

  • There are very few self-made millionaires, if any, who have not taken risks which would make the rest of us unable to sleep at night, or keep our food down.

  • I had a migraine for about seven or eight straight days, and I was unable to sleep most nights.

  • Sleep lingers all our lifetime about our eyes, as night hovers all day in the boughs of the fir-tree.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1983). “Essays and Lectures”, p.471, Library of America
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