Alfred Bester Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Alfred Bester's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Alfred Bester's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 33 quotes on this page collected since December 18, 1913! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Alfred Bester: Freaks Reality Science Fiction more...
  • This was an age of extremes, a fascinating century of freaks... but nobody loved it.

    Alfred Bester (1974). “Tiger! Tiger!”
  • You pigs, you. You rut like pigs, is all. You got the most in you, and you use the least. You hear me, you? Got a million in you and spend pennies. Got a genius in you and think crazies. Got a heart in you and feel empties. All a you. Every you.

  • The appeal of science fiction has always been its iconoclasm . . . But in order to be an iconoclast, an author must be more than merely aware of the idol he wishes to destroy. He must be intimate with it and understand it in all its aspects. This means that he must have devoted serious thought to it, and have beliefs of his own which will stand up in the place of the broken idol. In other words, any child can complain, but it takes an adult to clash with accepted beliefs . . . an adult with ideas.

  • The man who gives his own decisions priority over society is a criminal.

    Alfred Bester (1974). “Tiger! Tiger!”
  • It's been suggested that most women fail to write significantly because the female mind is viscerotonic, and occupied almost exclusively with the moment-to-moment reality of emotions. If this is true, literature's loss is science fiction's gain, for Out of Bounds, Judith Merril's collection of short stories, is a warm and colorful rendering of the minutiae of the future.

  • I challenge you, me. Die or live and be great.

  • We always do what's natural, only sometimes we shouldn't do it.

    Alfred Bester (1974). “Tiger! Tiger!”
  • Gully Foyle is my name And Terra is my nation Deep space is my dwelling place The stars my destination

    "The Stars My Destination". Book by Alfred Bester, 1956.
  • It's obvious we can't all be a Gully Foyle, but most of us energize at such a low level, so far short of our real capabilities, we could all be more, do more.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • Faith in faith' he answered himself. 'It isn't necessary to have something to believe in. It's only necessary to believe that somewhere there's something worthy of belief

  • The mind is the reality. You are what you think.

    Alfred Bester (1996). “The Demolished Man”, Vintage
  • This was a Golden Age, a time of high adventure, rich living and hard dying... but nobody thought so. This was a future of fortune and theft, pillage and rapine, culture and vice... but nobody admitted it. This was an age of extremes, a fascinating century of freaks... but nobody loved it.

    Alfred Bester (1974). “Tiger! Tiger!”
  • I'm a great believer in people and their untapped potential.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • The test of intellect is the refusal to belabor the obvious.

    Alfred Bester (1996). “The Demolished Man”, Vintage
  • Life is a freak. That’s its hope and glory.

    "The Stars My Destination". Book by Alfred Bester (Chapter 16, p. 251), 1957.
  • "There's got to be more to life than just living," Foyle said to the robot. "Then find it for yourself, sir. Don't ask the world to stop moving because you have doubts." "Why can't we all move forward together?" "Because you're all different. You're not lemmings. Some must lead, and hope that the rest will follow." "Who leads?" "The men who must... driven men, compelled men." "Freak men." "You're all freaks, sir. But you always have been freaks. Life is a freak. That's its hope and glory."

    "The Stars My Destination". Book by Alfred Bester (Chapter 16), 1957.
  • Most science fiction, quite frankly, is silly nonsense.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • Don't ask the world to stop moving because you have doubts.

    "The Stars My Destination". Book by Alfred Bester (Chapter 16), 1957.
  • Damn you!" Dagenham raged, "Don't you realize that you can't trust people? They don't know enough for their own good." "Then let them learn or die. We're all in this together. Let's live or die together.

    Alfred Bester (1974). “Tiger! Tiger!”
  • The whole point of extravagance is to act like a fool and feel like a fool, but enjoy it.

    Alfred Bester (1974). “Tiger! Tiger!”
  • The damnable frustration of revenge. Revenge is for dreams...never for reality.

    Alfred Bester (1974). “Tiger! Tiger!”
  • Be grateful that you only see the outward man. Be grateful that you never see the passions, the hatreds, the jealousies, the malice, the sicknesses... Be grateful you rarely see the frightening truth in people.

    Alfred Bester (1978). “Demolished Man”, Pocket
  • One of the things that everybody knows about space travel but never mentions is its aphrodisiac quality.

    Alfred Bester (1997). “Virtual unrealities: the short fiction of Alfred Bester”
  • If you can have everything at fifty that you wanted when you were fifteen, you're happy.

    Alfred Bester (1974). “Tiger! Tiger!”
  • Eight, sir; seven, sir; Six, sir; five, sir; Four, sir; Three, sir; Two, sir; one! Tenser, said the Tensor. Tenser, said the Tensor. Tension, apprehension, And dissension have begun.

    Eight   Two   Three  
    Alfred Bester (1996). “The Demolished Man”, Vintage
  • If a man's got talent and guts to buck society, he's obviously above average. You want to hold on to him. You straighten him out and turn him into a plus value. Why throw him away? Do that enough and all you've got left are the sheep.

    Alfred Bester (1996). “The Demolished Man”, Vintage
  • Intellect is the ability to avoid belaboring the obvious.

  • I'm not much interested in extrapolating science and technology; I merely use extrapolation as a means of putting people into new quandaries which produce colorful pressures and conflicts.

    Alfred Bester (1976). “Star light, star bright”
  • Tenser, said the Tensor. Tension, apprehension, and dissension have begun.

    Anger   Rage   Said  
    Alfred Bester (1996). “The Demolished Man”, Vintage
  • Millions for nonsense, but not one cent for entropy.

    Alfred Bester (1974). “Tiger! Tiger!”
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 33 quotes from the Author Alfred Bester, starting from December 18, 1913! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Alfred Bester quotes about: Freaks Reality Science Fiction