Alicia Silverstone Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Alicia Silverstone's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actress Alicia Silverstone's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 65 quotes on this page collected since October 4, 1976! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Alicia Silverstone: Animal Rights Animals Choices Dogs Fun Giving Vegetarian more...
  • I did it for political, moral reasons, thinking that I was making this great sacrifice, but it was absolutely necessary; I was not going to contribute to the violence in the world anymore.

  • Animals are being exploited in such an unbelievable way; it's not acceptable. PETA is trying to get your attention, and they're successful at it. ... If you talk to people who grew up on a farm, they'll tell you that they had an experience where they were taking care of a cow, and one day their parents took it away and killed it. It's a torturous experience for them, and that's when they became hard. People are taught to be grown-up or whatever, and that's dumb. That bond they had with that cow or chicken was real.

  • I think any time anybody says something nasty about you, it's hard to deal with it.

    "Fun, Fearless Female of the Year 2004: Alicia Silverstone". Interview with Jennifer Kasle Furmaniak, February 7, 2004.
  • I never count calories, but I eat so well.

  • I think I can deceive people. I'm like, the nice, sweet girl when you meet me. And I don't have any bad intentions. But I'm a bad girl too.

  • I came from a generation of actors for whom TV was taboo.

  • I like it all. I love getting inside of people's heads and playing what drives people and what makes them do what they do. That's always been what's most interesting to me about being an actor. The analyzing of what's happening, but even more so, just letting it all go and playing is fun. I love just seeing what comes out of you.

  • I think that the film Clueless was very deep. I think it was deep in the way that it was very light. I think lightness has to come from a very deep place if it's true lightness.

  • I don't take any of the medications I took when I was younger: antibiotics, antacids, aspirin, asthma inhalers, ulcer medication, allergy shots.

  • I don't have any understanding of a human being who doesn't respect the beauty of life and that goes for all creatures that have thoughts, feelings and needs.

  • Once people spend time with farm animals in a loving way ... a pig or cow or a little chicken or a turkey, they might find they relate with them the same way they relate with dogs and cats. People don't really think of them that way because they're on the plate. Why should they be food when other animals are pets? I would never eat my doggies.

  • I love cooking and one of my favourite things to do with my husband is open up the refrigerator.

  • Creative collaboration is awesome.

  • I'm always looking for inspiration.

  • I don't just want to be the girl boys get excited about, I have no desire for people to see me in a sexy way. I won't do nudity ever.

  • I didn't want to get married - I thought it was like a cult! It seemed so conservative and unnatural.

  • It's so simple to create a delicious holiday meal without animal cruelty. I promise no one will miss the turkey!

  • Clothes make me dizzy.

    "Wanted: one leading man". Interview with Barbara Ellen, February 29, 2004.
  • [I] educate people to be kinder to each other, and to other life-forms. There has been racism, sexism and now there is 'species-ism.' People think that they are better than other creatures.

  • My biggest dream in the world is for everyone to become vegetarian, so there won't be any more suffering.

  • I think lightness has to come from a very deep place if it's true lightness.

    "Biography/Personal Quotes".
  • I know what it feels like to be hurt,and I don't want to cause that pain to any other person or creature. But somehow, in society, we numb ourselves in order to make money or to feel better about ourselves, such as with cosmetics or food. We say to ourselves, I'm going to use this animal. I'm going to say it doesn't have much worth so that I can allow myself to do these cruel things. And that just isn't fair.

  • I'm very uncomfortable with my body, and I'm not interested in people seeing it on screen.

  • My favorite thing in the world is a box of fine European chocolates which is, for sure, better than sex.

  • I'd die if I was Madonna. I'd die. God, what a horrible way to live. And Michael Jackson! To be so famous and to feel so isolated. I feel so bad for them. I don't know how it feels, and I hope it never happens to me.

  • We always had dogs,so I understood all the joy and the love animals are capable of giving. It's crazy to me that some people have dogs in thier homes, but they treat them more like furniture.

  • Prince Charming is very nice and very honest and very confident in who he is and funny and knows how to have a kick-ass fun time. Is willing to melt away so that nothing else exists in the world except himself and his princess and loves food and cats and every life form except human beings which is not necessary.

  • can make little choices that can change the world to be a better, happier, lovelier place every day

  • As human beings we're so cynical, so uncompassionate.

  • What I learned from doing The Graduate was it doesnt matter what the medium is... as long as the material is inspiring and the characters are well written.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 65 quotes from the Actress Alicia Silverstone, starting from October 4, 1976! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Alicia Silverstone quotes about: Animal Rights Animals Choices Dogs Fun Giving Vegetarian