Antoine Fuqua Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Antoine Fuqua's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Film director Antoine Fuqua's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 50 quotes on this page collected since January 19, 1966! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Antoine Fuqua: Art Character Film Painting Violence more...
  • I'm a product of older filmmakers I guess, the past where you get to make movies and scenes are what they are.

    Past   Scene   Filmmaker  
    "Antoine Fuqua Talks ‘Hardcore’ Action and Sequel Potential For ‘The Equalizer’". Interview with Rob Keyes, June 20, 2014.
  • What I learned is, don't forget who you are, because that's what's going to make you a filmmaker.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • If I'm going to see my mom, I'm going to church!

    Mom   Church   Ifs  
    "Denzel Washington on Equalizer: 'We had Navy Seals train us'". Interview with Steve Rose, September 25, 2014.
  • I only pay to take my son to the movies, because most of the time I only watch European movies, independent movies, or screen them privately. But I like to go to movies with my son because it's still fun; it reminds me of why I make movies.

    Fun   Independent   Son  
    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • I don't think I've seen that sort of character in a long time in this genre because again, there was a time when you could have quirky, strange characters that you grew to love, you didn't quite understand, you know, and then all of a sudden they became almost cardboard cutouts for awhile. You kind of know the guy, what his deal is - this guy's hard to figure out. He has some strange habits, but, you learn to love him and you discover more about him, where it comes from.

    "Antoine Fuqua Talks ‘Hardcore’ Action and Sequel Potential For ‘The Equalizer’". Interview with Rob Keyes, June 20, 2014.
  • It's part of the film-making business and also part of the creative process - putting all the pieces together to make a movie, so that they all line up. Sometimes it looks like you have a lot of projects lined up, but some of them are in different stages.

  • You'll see a consistent, like the tea, the tea bags you saw there-you'll see a consistent-did you see the cafeteria? I mean the diner?

    Mean   Tea   Bags  
    "Director Antoine Fuqua Talks THE EQUALIZER, Westerns, the Hard R Rating, Changes from the 80s Series, and More on Set". Group interview, August 25, 2014.
  • My experience of test screenings is that you don't know what kind of mood people are going to be in, and sometimes the studios accept what Joe Blo says - and this guy could just be a frustrated filmmaker, or not paying attention.

    People   Guy   Frustrated  
    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • Being a kid growing up with Kurosawa films and watching Sergio Leone movies just made me love what it could do to you, and how it could influence you - make you dream.

    Dream   Growing Up   Kids  
    "Biography/Personal Quotes".
  • I'm a product of older filmmakers I guess, the past where you get to make movies and scenes are what they are. You know if you think about Scorsese back in the day when he was making Taxi Driver, or Coppola or Frankenheimer, Sidney Lumet, they're making films where you witness violence in a real way.

    Real   Thinking   Past  
    "Antoine Fuqua Talks ‘Hardcore’ Action and Sequel Potential For ‘The Equalizer’". Interview with Rob Keyes, June 20, 2014.
  • I like being in real environments. I love being in the place that it's about - these sets and locations are characters in the movies. Can you imagine Breakfast at Tiffany's shot somewhere else? It's classic. Characters are part of storytelling; they're just as important as everything else.

  • Well, I mean, the original is certainly the jump-off, it certainly is what it is, you know, I grew up around that era so I watched all those shows. The basic concept is there, it's just a different movie. Totally different actors, different filmmakers, different script, but same concept.

    Mean   Eras   Scripts  
    "Director Antoine Fuqua Talks THE EQUALIZER, Westerns, the Hard R Rating, Changes from the 80s Series, and More on Set". Group interview, August 25, 2014.
  • If you see someone lying out knives and forks consistently, but then one day those knives and forks become weapons you're not sure if he does that as a warrior, that's just his thing.

    Lying   Warrior   Knives  
    "Antoine Fuqua Talks ‘Hardcore’ Action and Sequel Potential For ‘The Equalizer’". Interview with Rob Keyes, June 20, 2014.
  • It's a dumb question, because I don't look at things as a black director, just as a director, so ask me as a director first and we can segue into the colour thing later.

    Stupid   Dumb   Black  
    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • I believe in God, absolutely.

  • I would be lying to you if I said I wouldn't love for it [Equalizer] to become a franchise, I would love for it to become a hit and all that great stuff. Who knows-you just make the best movie you can make, you know it's like, eat the whole thing, one piece at a time. And then, we'll see what happens, I would love for it to be.

    Lying   Would Be   Pieces  
    "Director Antoine Fuqua Talks the Equalizer, Westerns, the Hard R Rating, Changes From the 80s Series, and More on Set". Interview with Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub, August 25, 2014.
  • I became a director just for the love of movies, because of the power of cinema.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • Tupac Shakur is something that, of course I want to make the Tupac movie, I love Tupac, but when that movie was announced, we didn't even have a script yet. It was just being written. People announce things too soon. If you go to any filmmaker - Clint Eastwood, Oliver Stone, Martin Scorsese, Ben Affleck, Michael Mann - you go in their offices and there are scripts everywhere and there's about four or five of them you really want to make.

  • The violence you witness is Denzel doing it and we're taking some visual effects and doing some things and you see something happen it's happening in front of you as opposed to cutting away and doing a bunch of tricks. It's in front of you. So it's hard not to make it a hard "R" if you see a guy get punched and teeth wind up in someone's knuckles.

    Cutting   Wind   Guy  
    "Director Antoine Fuqua Talks THE EQUALIZER, Westerns, the Hard R Rating, Changes from the 80s Series, and More on Set". Interview with Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub, August 25, 2014.
  • I like the opportunity to make films.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • Well, we studied a lot of books and things like that. Denzel has a personal experience with it, not himself, that's his business-I won't get into that, but he knows a lot about it as well. So, we took some real life experiences that we both-I've been told that I have OCD.

    "Director Antoine Fuqua Talks THE EQUALIZER, Westerns, the Hard R Rating, Changes from the 80s Series, and More on Set". Group interview, August 25, 2014.
  • Cinema Paradiso, because it reminds me of why I make movies, the magic of movies, the romance of movies.

    Romance   Magic   Cinema  
    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • I like making movies.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • I've become friends with Michael Mann and Oliver Stone; I've seen those guys work and that was great to see.

    Guy   Stones  
    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • One hundred percent, I mean, many of the Sergio Leone movies were with Clint Eastwood, and that's what it is.

    "Antoine Fuqua Talks ‘Hardcore’ Action and Sequel Potential For ‘The Equalizer’". Interview with Rob Keyes, June 20, 2014.
  • Not harder than it should be, no. We're about the business, we're about the work. It's all about the work, always. We have fun and laugh and there're days that are more intense than others, but we're there to make it better. He's always going to try and make it better, I'm always going to try and make it better. So you accept anything, you accept whatever it takes to get it up on the screen and make it worthy.

    Fun   Laughing   Trying  
    "Director Antoine Fuqua Talks THE EQUALIZER, Westerns, the Hard R Rating, Changes from the 80s Series, and More on Set". Group interview, August 25, 2014.
  • I just think you can't shut your life off to just, you know, one thing. You gotta be open-minded. Explore things. Feed your artist.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • You want to take yourself seriously, and you want to make something that you hope will have resonance with the audience. You want to bring your perspective and what you consider your talent to that piece of work, and you move forward in that direction. Sometimes that's easy, and sometimes it's met with resistance because you're dealing with situations where, for everybody else, it's a piece of business.

  • There are many stories of people didn't set out to make a film that became a classic - the whole process was a disaster, everybody hated each other, the movie itself was a disaster, everybody thought the movie and the script was going to be a piece of crap. Look at Alfred Hitchcock and Psycho. Nobody wanted to make Psycho; it was crap to them. The only person that wanted to make Psycho was Hitchcock. Now, it's considered a classic and a work of art.

    Art   People   Psycho  
  • I love movies; I grew up loving movies. I've always loved movies. I never thought about making movies until I took art classes and then I started studying different artists. As you study paintings, you see light and shadow, of course - Rembrandt, Eugène Delacroix. You start to understand the relationship between people and art, and images. For me, between movies that I watched and art, it was like, I'd love to make moving art. Moving pictures.

    Art   Moving   People  
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 50 quotes from the Film director Antoine Fuqua, starting from January 19, 1966! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Antoine Fuqua quotes about: Art Character Film Painting Violence