Ayelet Waldman Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Ayelet Waldman's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Novelist Ayelet Waldman's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 123 quotes on this page collected since December 11, 1964! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I think it's worth trying to be a mother who delights in who her children are, in their knock-knock jokes and earnest questions. A mother who spends less time obsessing about what will happen, or what has happened, and more time reveling in what is.

  • Because of my bipolar disorder, I tend to these mixed states, which are depressed but loud and agitated. So I can be terribly irritable. I go to cognitive behavioral therapy in order not to yell at my children.

  • You know, I feel like my job is to write a book. Then filmmakers come and they make a movie. And they're two really different art forms.

    "Ayelet Waldman on Acting Your Age". Interview with Tim J Luddy, www.motherjones.com. November, 2009.
  • I have made so many mistakes as a mother. But the one thing that I know I do is I make sure my children know how much I love them and they are absolutely secure in that.

  • I believe that mothers should tell the truth, even - no, especially - when the truth is difficult. It's always easier, and in the short term can even feel right, to pretend everything is okay, and to encourage your children to do the same. But concealment leads to shame, and of all hurts shame is the most painful.

    Ayelet Waldman (2009). “Bad Mother: A Chronicle of Maternal Crimes, Minor Calamities, and Occasional Moments of Grace”, p.3, Anchor
  • I'm sure there are people who survive tragedy without humor, but I've never met any of them. Nor would I be particularly interested in writing about them if I did meet them.

    "‘Impossible Pursuits’ on film: A Q&A with Ayelet Waldman". Interview with Katie Hafner, www.huffingtonpost.com. January 4, 2011.
  • The idea of going down to Central or South American and taking ayahuasca and shitting my pants and puking in a circle of overprivileged white people is not my idea of a good time. That's not going to happen.

    Source: m.motherjones.com
  • Aborting my baby is the most serious of the many maternal crimes I tally in my head when I am at my lowest, when the Bad Mother label seems to fit best. Rocketship was my baby. And I killed him.

  • If only shame were a reliable engine for behavior modification. All it does is make me feel bad, which inspires me to bust open a bag of cheese popcorn, which then makes me feel crappy about my weight.

  • The Q I loathe and despise, the Q every single writer I know loathes and despises, is this one: 'Where,' the reader asks, 'do you get your ideas?' It's a simple question, and my usual response is a kind of helpless, 'I don't know.'

  • Most writers spend their lives standing a little apart from the crowd, watching and listening and hoping to catch that tiny hint of despair, that sliver of malice, that makes them think, 'Aha, here is the story.'

  • I certainly don't think it's inevitable that we don't love children who don't carry our own DNA. If that were true we wouldn't have millions of successful adoptions to consider. I do think that it's harder to love a child when you come into that child's life after the unrequited passion of infancy and early childhood has passed.

    "‘Impossible Pursuits’ on film: A Q&A with Ayelet Waldman". Interview with Katie Hafner, www.huffingtonpost.com. January 4, 2011.
  • I just don't have a lick of optimism left in me.

    Source: m.motherjones.com
  • If you focus all of your emotional passion on your children and you neglect the relationship that brought that family into existence... eventually, things can go really, really wrong.

    "Ayelet Waldman Stands By Essay That Infuriated Moms Nearly A Decade Ago". www.huffingtonpost.com. December 6, 2017.
  • Gym class was, of course, where the strongest, best-looking kids were made captains and chose us spazzes last. More important, it was where the figures of supposed authority allowed them to do so. Forget the work our parents did molding our minds and values. Everything fell apart as soon as we put on those maroon polyester gym suits.

    Ayelet Waldman (2013). “Bad Mother: A Chronicle of Maternal Crimes, Minor Calamities, and Occasional Moments of Grace”, p.92, Hachette UK
  • A good mother remembers to serve fruit at breakfast, is always cheerful and never yells, manages not to project her own neuroses and inadequacies onto her children, is an active and beloved community volunteer. She remembers to make play dates, her children's clothes fit, she does art projects with them and enjoys all their games.

    Love   Mother   Art  
  • The idea that [Jeff Sessions] is the man who is going to end the progress on the drug war makes me want to rip my hair out, every carefully nurtured curl on my head.

    Source: m.motherjones.com
  • There are times as a parent when you realize that your job is not to be the parent you always imagined you'd be, the parent you always wished you had. Your job is to be the parent your child needs, given the particulars of his or her own life and nature.

    FaceBook post by Ayelet Waldman from Apr 27, 2010
  • The statistic that 67 percent of women's admissions to the psychiatric facilities are during the week before menstruation is critically important to every woman, and to every woman who feels she suffers from depression.

    Source: m.motherjones.com
  • My own husband was divorced when we met, but without kids. I don't know what I would have done if he'd had them. I got the message very early on that the worst mistake a woman can make is marrying a man with children.

    "‘Impossible Pursuits’ on film: A Q&A with Ayelet Waldman". Interview with Katie Hafner, www.huffingtonpost.com. January 4, 2011.
  • The first inkling my husband had that I was thinking about suicide was when he checked my blog.

  • I used to refer to myself as a 'theoretical anorexic,' just as crazy when it came to body image, but saved by a lack of self-discipline. My daughters do everything better than I do - they're smarter, more beautiful, happier. What if they end up better at anorexia, too?

  • If a good mother is one who loves her child more than anyone else in the world, I am not a good mother. I am in fact a bad mother. I love my husband more than I love my children.

    “The centre of my universe” by Ayelet Waldman, www.theguardian.com. November 26, 2005.
  • You can take the babushka off the Jewish mother and dress her up in a pair of Seven jeans and Marc Jacobs sling-backs, but she's still going to expect a passel of grandkids.

  • I always tell my kids that as soon as you have a secret, something about you that you are ashamed to have others find out, you have given other people the power to hurt you by exposing you.

    Ayelet Waldman (2009). “Bad Mother: A Chronicle of Maternal Crimes, Minor Calamities, and Occasional Moments of Grace”, p.3, Anchor
  • Look, if you ask a child, 'Would you rather have a fulfilled mother or a stay-at-home Sylvia Plath,' they'll pick Sylvia Plath every time. But I think it's really important that children don't feel their parents' emotional lives depend on their success.

  • When my first daughter was born, my husband held her in his hands and said, 'My God, she's so beautiful.' I unwrapped the baby from her blankets. She was average size, with long thin fingers and a random assortment of toes. Her eyes were close set, and she had her father's hooked nose. It looked better on him.

  • I tend to approach giving interviews with the same sense of circumspection and restraint as I approach my writing. That is to say, virtually none. When asked what I made of blogs like my own, blogs written by parents about their children, I said, 'A blog like this is narcissism in its most obscene flowering.'

    "Living Out Loud — Online". The Salon column, www.salon.com. March 14, 2005.
  • Is Valentine's Day a day to make cupcakes with your children? No, Valentine's is supposed to be a day about romantic love.

  • Whatever my intentions, whatever the truth of my claim, I had no business giving a lecture to a total stranger.

    "Mind Your Own Kids". www.salon.com. August 15, 2005.
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 123 quotes from the Novelist Ayelet Waldman, starting from December 11, 1964! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!