Britney Spears Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Britney Spears's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Artist Britney Spears's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 187 quotes on this page collected since December 2, 1981! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Someone once told me that the '…Baby One More Time' video should be me as a superhero fighting a giant robot monster.

  • It's almost like it's my alter ego when I get on stage... I turn into this different person, seriously. Bipolar disorder. I'm tired of everybody touching me and things being plugged into my head.

  • I think I'm more grounded, you know, and I know what I want out of life and I'm, you know, my morals are really, you know, strong and I have major beliefs about certain things and I think that has helped me, you know, from being, you know, coming from a really small town.

  • I do love Justin with all my heart and we have a lot of trust for each other.

  • I would love to show my clevage and more body parts off but my record company won't let me.

    Records   Body   Let Me  
  • Lingerie has gotten really cute, with little booty underwear and the cute little bras. They've gotten really detailed. I saw one the other day with little baby pearls on the strap. I had to have it.

    "Britney: No Nude Scenes". February 13, 2002.
  • Friendship could be right under your nose but if you are caught up in yourself you will never find it.

  • Onstage I'm the happiest person in the world.

    "Biography/Personal Quotes".
  • I like meeting all my fans and signing autographs, although it can all get a bit crazy. Yesterday, for example, a boy just came over and planted a big kiss on my face! I was like, 'Hello?'

  • I love performing and having people hear my music more that anything.

  • With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt because love is an amazing feeling.

  • Love is love! People should be able to do whatever makes them happy!

    Twitter post from Apr 21, 2009
  • My loneliness ain't killing me no more.

    Song: Stronger
  • The best thing about being cheated on is I get to go on more first dates.

    "Britney Spears blasts cheating ex-boyfriend at Las Vegas show". September 3, 2014.
  • Just because I look sexy on the cover of Rolling Stone doesn't mean I'm naughty.

  • Marry Prince William? I'd love that. Who wouldn't want to be a princess?

  • My main goal is to wait until I'm married to have sex. I would never, personally, be able to (have an abortion), because down the road it would always haunt me.

  • Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision he makes and should just support that, you know, and be faithful in what happens.

    "Britney Spears: 'Trust our president in every decision'". Interview with Tucker Carlson, September 4, 2003.
  • Justin Timberlake is everything, and what more could you want in a person? He's funny. He's cute. He's great. He just understands. I get him and he gets me, and that's cool.

  • I trip and I burp and I fart, like everybody else.

  • I always call my cousin because we're so close. We're almost like sisters, and we're also close because our mom's are sisters.

  • I don't like defining myself. I just am.

  • I used to be a cool chick but I'm not anymore.

    "Britney Spears: 'I Had Let People Into My Life That Were Just Bad People'". Media Screening, November 20, 2008.
  • I still have my girlfriends that I grew up with. We went to day care together ... we just feel comfortable with each other. We're honest, we're total goofs.

  • Where the hell is Australia anyway?

  • I think with anybody who's doing well in the public eye or whatever, there's always gonna be a shift because people don't wanna see somebody happy all the time. And they're gonna try to take shots at people.

    "A defiant Britney Spears Takes on the Tabloids". Interview with Matt Lauer, June 14, 2006.
  • I think everybody should be "pro-love."

    "A defiant Britney Spears takes on the tabloids". Interview with Matt Lauer, June 20, 2006.
  • I have always been heavily involved in every album I have ever made. I'm very stubborn when it comes to recording and will only record songs I love, which is why it takes me a long time to make an album.

  • I need to make mistakes, just to learn (who i am)

    Song: Overprotected, Album: Britney, 2001
  • I have to live my life. I have a family and I just think it's absurd to let other people influence the way you live.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 187 quotes from the Artist Britney Spears, starting from December 2, 1981! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!