Christine Feehan Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Christine Feehan's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Christine Feehan's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 148 quotes on this page collected since ! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I live on the beautiful Northern California coast. I have always loved hiking, whale watching and being outdoors.

    Christine Feehan (2016). “Fire Bound”, p.200, Penguin
  • You are the leader here. Obviiusly your skills are far superior to mine. I don't think I could fit into your life. I'm a loner, not the first lady.

  • I just want some time, Mikhail, to think things through. It’s frightening, the way I am about you. I think about you every minute; I want to touch you, just to know I can, to feel you beneath my fingers. It’s as if you crawled into my head and my heart, even my body, and I can’t get you out.

    Christine Feehan (2011). “Dark Prince: Number 1 in series”, p.71, Hachette UK
  • I know I burn for you.Even in my sleep, the sleep of our people where there can be no thought,I burn for you.

  • There were a thousand secrets in her eyes, a thousand wounds. A lifetime of distrust and betrayal. Isolation. How did one overcome such things?

    Eye   Secret  
    Christine Feehan (2004). “Mind Game”, p.166, Penguin
  • He wanted to wake up every morning to her. Go to sleep with his body wrapped tightly around hers. He wanted her to have his child—his children. He knew he wanted to live out the rest of his life with her by his side and when he died, he wanted to die in her arms.

  • She was temptation wrapped in casual elegance.

    Christine Feehan (2012). “Christine Feehan's Drake Sisters Series: Five Novels and a Novella”, p.1320, Penguin
  • I claim you as my life mate. I belong to you. I offer my life for you. I give to you my protection, my allegiance, my heart, my soul, and my body. I take into my keeping the same that is yours. Your life, happiness, and welfare will be cherished and placed above my own for all time. You are my life mate, bound to me for all eternity and always in my care.

    Christine Feehan (2010). “Dark Challenge”, p.16, Harper Collins
  • Trust. Such an easy word. Such an impossible quality.

  • What does kiciciyapi mitawa mean?" He kept his head on her breasts. "What?" "You called me kicicyapi mitawa. It sounded so beautiful. It wasn't Japanese. What was it?" "It's the voice of the Lakota. It would sound silly in English." He cupped her breast, his fingers moving lightly over her skin. His breath warm on her heart. "I want to know. It didn't sound silly when you said it. It sounded...beautiful. It made me feel beautiful. And loved." He kissed her breast. "I called you my heart. And you are.

  • ...but you have to know when you close those doors, you don't leave anything for the other person.

    Christine Feehan (2005). “Oceans of Fire”, p.144, Penguin
  • Maybe you are already lost and just do not know it.

    Christine Feehan (2011). “Christine Feehan 5 CARPATHIAN NOVELS”, p.1002, Penguin
  • Just remember who you belong to, Hannah. I wouldn't want to have to shoot anyone - or strangle you." She leaned over to kiss his shoulder. "Why am I the one to be strangled?" "It's a much more personal death.

    Christine Feehan (2012). “Christine Feehan's Drake Sisters Series: Five Novels and a Novella”, p.1051, Penguin
  • Torture can be a two edged sword.

    Christine Feehan (2010). “Sea Storm”, p.198, Penguin
  • I don’t like you in danger. When a man finds the only person of worth to him, that one person who matters more than anything and makes everything he’s ever seen or done or gone through worthwhile, believe me, Rikki, the urge to protect her is overwhelming. If that bothers you, then I’m sorry, because it’s going to be happening over and over throughout our years together.

    Christine Feehan (2010). “Water Bound”, p.269, Penguin
  • You are such a chicken. Bock. Bock. Bock." He refused to allow her very bad chicken impression to ruffle his feathers. He was above petty name-calling.

  • We could get kinky and see how bats and rats make love, he suggested in a whisper, warm breath against her neck. You are a sick man, Jacques. Very, very sick.

  • The minute I'm in a little pain ... your rough, tough, scary bad boy image totally falls apart.

  • You have to be more discerning, Lily, when experimenting with bondage." He wiggled his eyebrows. "I'd make a great master.

    Christine Feehan (2003). “Shadow Game”, p.329, Penguin
  • Listen, Sebastian," he whispered. "That beautiful sound belongs to us for the rest for our lives. That's your mother. She's sunshine. No matter what happens in our lives, we have that.

    Christine Feehan (2010). “Ruthless Game”, p.203, Penguin
  • It's your way of fighting. You refuse to engage and then you can't lose.

    Christine Feehan (2010). “Sea Storm”, p.199, Penguin
  • Your name is Lily Whitney. You are the woman I want at my side night and day. I want you to be the mother of my children someday. I want you for my lover. I want you for the person I turn to when the world gets to be too much.

    Christine Feehan (2003). “Shadow Game”, p.118, Penguin
  • You can't go back; I can't go back either, but we can go on.

  • (After Nicholas tells Dahlia that he loves her) "...Just don't break my heart my heart, Dahlia. I've never handed it over to anyone before." She placed both hands over his. "I've never had anyone's heart. I don't know the first thing about keeping hearts. You're taking a terrible risk." "That's what I do best." ... "Are you feeling relaxed now?" ... "I was until you started throwing around the L-word. That's enough to scare anyone.

  • I am surrounded by my family, my beloved grandchildren, and my pack of dogs.

    Christine Feehan (2016). “Fire Bound”, p.200, Penguin
  • He wasn’t a hero. He wasn’t the man who stepped forward and saved the innocent. He was lost himself. Shadows had invaded a long time ago and stolen his life. But he would give anything he had left to be the man who found a way to save Judith

    Christine Feehan (2011). “Spirit Bound”, p.45, Penguin
  • He tasted passion. He tasted emotion. He tasted a world he’d never imagined, one he could never enter. It was right there in front of him, suddenly open to him. Unexpected. Exciting. Scary.

    Christine Feehan (2010). “Water Bound”, p.116, Penguin
  • I'm putting up a great front, then because I feel like I'm breaking apart inside.

    Christine Feehan (2011). “Dark Prince: Number 1 in series”, p.107, Hachette UK
  • I want you forever, Kate. I want to grow old and have you here in my arms. I want children. I've wanted you for so long. I don't think that's about to change.

    Christine Feehan (2008). “A Christine Feehan Holiday Treasury”, p.298, Simon and Schuster
  • The house is made up of the spirits of our ancestors. Did you think they would lie idly by while we were under attack?" 'Cuz, yeah, didn't everybody's ancestors rise up and destroy enemies.

    Christine Feehan (2012). “Christine Feehan's Drake Sisters Series: Five Novels and a Novella”, p.1245, Penguin
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 148 quotes from the Writer Christine Feehan, starting from ! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!