Cintra Wilson Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Cintra Wilson's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Cintra Wilson's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 9 quotes on this page collected since October 9, 1967! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • Once a decision is made to be tasteful and risk-free, all spark, soul, variety, sleaze, spontaneity and fun go right out the window

  • It was, just as Kinski had predicted, suicide. He should never have done it. It is widely held by those who knew him, and Kinski himself, that he never recovered from Woyzeck. But what was the ultimate result? If you are the viewer of this film, Kinski's portrayal shocks your feelings out of the vault of intellectualizing or passive observing. He forces you to feel with him, to align yourself with your buried emotions. He outs your sensitivity. Is this not something Christ-like? It is, for my money. Kinski is the pure cure for the 21st-century disease - the numbness unto droning.

  • Right now, the economy is a whole lot like a fairly good-looking brain-dead chick in a persistent vegetative coma. You can't really wake her up, but there's things she's still good for.

    Cintra Wilson (2010). “Caligula for President: Better American Living Through Tyranny”, p.116, Bloomsbury Publishing USA
  • If Jesus is on Tim Curran's side and Occy is Jesus, who gets to win?

  • We must regard Sarah Palin as the Carmella Soprano of the GOP -- an enabling wife of organized crime, who sees, hears and speaks no evil of the boys in her old-boy network for whom she does this ideological lap dance.

  • If Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana were "candles in the wind," and Anna Nicole Smith was a bonfire in a hailstorm, and Lindsay Lohan is an electric toaster thrown intentionally into a Jacuzzi, then Paris Hilton s a strobe light in an epilepsy ward.

    Princess   Light   Wind  
  • Sarah Palin and her virtual burqa have me and my friends retching into our handbags. She's such a power-mad, backwater beauty-pageant casualty, it's easy to write her off and make fun of her. But in reality I feel as horrified as a ghetto Jew watching the rise of National Socialism.

  • Stop pathetically believing that you deserve fame or fame deserves you. It's yucky, and it's only making you miserable, so stop.

    Cintra Wilson (2016). “A Massive Swelling: Celebrity Re-Examined As a Grotesque, Crippling Disease and Other Cultural Revelations”, p.104, Wilberforce Codex
  • In reality I feel as horrified as a ghetto Jew watching the rise of National Socialism.

    "Pissed about Palin". September 10, 2008.
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