Daniel Handler Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Daniel Handler's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Daniel Handler's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 2 quotes on this page collected since February 28, 1970! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I know what is going on," said Sir. "I am the Boss! Of course I know!

  • We weren't friends[...]We were more like jigsaw pieces, each of us part of the same big picture. There are people like this wherever you go. They are part of the same mystery as you are, but you can't quite tell how you fit together. The world is a puzzle, and we can't solve it alone.

  • Nobody wants to fall into a safety net, because it means the structure in which they've been living is in a state of collapse and they have no choice but to tumble downwards. However, it beats the alternative.

  • When I wrote Rick, I had the idea that I would take the plot of nearly every opera and turn it into a dark film, which is something I still may do.

    Interview with Tasha Robinson, www.avclub.com. November 16, 2005.
  • The file clanked against me, my stupid idea nobody would have gotten had I ever done it. You even wouldn't have gotten it, Ed, I thought, watching her go. It's why we broke up, so here it is. Ed, how could you?

  • I wrote Rick before I was published, and I had no vision of it, really. It was just a story that occurred to me, and that put its little claws in my brain, and I wrote it, and I showed it to a couple people, and they all said, "This is ghastly."

    Interview with Tasha Robinson, www.avclub.com. November 16, 2005.
  • Oftentimes. when people are miserable, they will want to make other people miserable, too. But it never helps.

  • They say in every library there is a single book that can answer the question that burns like a fire in the mind.

  • Like most writers, I look back on all of my finished works with utter regret, and the trouble with writing a series of novels is that you have to go back and read them, and make sure that you haven't forgotten anything you've created, and then when you do that, you're faced with your own mistakes on every trick, from the wrong word in places to entirely the wrong incident.

    Interview with Tasha Robinson, www.avclub.com. November 16, 2005.
  • Santa Claus has nothing to do with it," the latke said. "Christmas and Hanukah are completely different things." "But different things can often blend together," said the pine tree. "Let me tell you a funny story about pagan rituals.

  • Boredom is not black licorice, Snicket," she said. "There's no reason to share it with me.

  • It is not always the job of people shouting outside impressive buildings to solve problems. It is often the job of the people inside, who have paper, pens, desks, and an impressive view.

  • I suppose I'll have to add the force of gravity to my list of enemies.

  • Stretched out in front of me was my time as an adult, and then a skeleton, and then nothing except perhaps a few books on a few shelves.

  • I’m reminded of a book my father used to read me,” she said. “A bunch of elves and things get into a huge war over a piece of jewelry that everybody wants but nobody can wear.

  • To Beatrice- My love flew like a butterfly Until death swooped down like a bat As the poet Emma Montana McElroy said: 'That's the end of that.

    "A Series of Unfortunate Events #4: The Miserable Mill". Book by Daniel Handler, www.theguardian.com. April 5, 2000.
  • I think there are probably just as many adults who would miss the humor of my books, if not more, as there are children.

    Interview with Tasha Robinson, www.avclub.com. November 16, 2005.
  • Make sure you have your own mask on, before helping others with theirs.

    Reddit AMA, www.reddit.com. April 1, 2014.
  • This is my knife. It is very sharp and very eager to hurt you.

  • 13. 99 percent is a very large percentage. For instance, easily 99 percent of people want a roof over their heads, food on their tables, and the occasional slice of cake for dessert. Surely an arrangement can be made with that niggling 1 percent who disagree.

  • Mostly, it's flattering to meet fans. As long as it's in a planned, professional meeting, rather than, say, someone dropping by my home, which is not as pleasant.

    Interview with Tasha Robinson, www.avclub.com. November 16, 2005.
  • Put your hair up, Min. The secret ingredient is not your hair.

    Daniel Handler (2012). “Why We Broke Up”, p.62, Egmont UK
  • He who hesitates is lost

  • I do what I do," I said, "in order to do something else.

  • I go to bed early and rise late and feel as if I have hardly slept, probably because I have been reading almost the entire time.

  • How can someone so wonderful do something so terrible?

  • For Beatrice - you will always be in my mind, in my heart and in your grave.

  • It is always tedious when someone tells you that if you don't stop crying, they will give you something to cry about, because if you are crying then you already have something to cry about, and so there is no reason for them to give you anything additional to cry about, thank you very much.

  • Just about everybody has written a first novel that they throw away before writing their actual first novel.

  • There are so many movies like this, where you thought you were smarter than the screen but the director was smarter than you, of course he's the one, of course it was a dream, of course she's dead, of course, it's hidden right there, of course it's the truth and you in your seat have failed to notice in the dark.

    Daniel Handler (2012). “Why We Broke Up”, p.184, Egmont UK
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