Dennis Quaid Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Dennis Quaid's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actor Dennis Quaid's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since April 9, 1954! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Dennis Quaid: Acting Character Film Golf more...
  • I found myself in network always trying to play catch up because once things get going there's no time to fix this and that. And also the writing, it was more inclined to be by committee in network which drowns out the purity and the voice of the show.

  • You go to Main Street, and Wal-Mart is coming to town and kicking out all the mom and pop stores. All the people that were in the mom and pop stores are now working for Wal-Mart.

    "Dennis Quaid and Director Ramin Bahrani Talk AT ANY PRICE, the American Dream, and Ending on a Morally Ambiguous Note". Interview with Sheila Roberts, April 23, 2013.
  • I don't have a grand strategy for my career. I just look for good material, and good stories. I look for good scripts.

  • When you break up, your whole identity is shattered. It's like death.

    "Quaid: Split From Ryan Was 'Like Death'". W Magazine Interview, July 19, 2001.
  • I have a resistance to change in things that I feel comfortable with and that I'm used to.

    "Topher Grace & Dennis Quaid". Interview, January 12, 2005.
  • You have to have the fire in your belly. I'm having more fun now with acting than I did when I first started out, because I'm doing it just because I really enjoy it. I'm not trying to "make it" anymore. I'm not trying to be anything, you know? The biggest this and that for anybody. I'm just enjoying it.

  • I love doing independent films, but it's very hard to make a living that way.

  • I grew up Baptist and still go to church. I myself have explored other religions, because I want to know what it is that makes other people tick. I find we're all talking about the same thing, really - it's all God.

  • I found that you don't have to do drugs to have a great time. Music is a great drug on its own.

  • I was made to be a perfectionist at everything I did. Everything was more important than what I wanted.

  • I have a ranch in Montana, but it's not a real working ranch. I've always liked the outdoors. I come from Texas. My grandfather was a farmer; that's as close as I come.

  • I have always done my own stunts, and I have been in hundreds of fights in films, but I have never been in a fist fight outside the movies.

  • I was a really avid bowler when I was a teenager. I had about a 210-220 average. I had blisters on my fingers.

  • I could never hold a job for more than three months, which works out well because that's how long a movie shoots.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • I'm not really a pitcher; I just play one in the movies.

  • Jesus himself talked about prayer and meditation. Anything that brings you closer to the Lord, what's wrong with that?

  • I used to eat a lot of fish, but I've been shying away from it because of the mercury thing. I eat more beef and chicken now.

    Interview with Rachael Ray, November 1, 2005.
  • Golf is meaningless, but it means so much.

  • I look for a good story. Usually the best stories are the ones that are unbelievably true. 'Soul Surfer' is one of those stories.

  • I always wanted to be an astronaut.

  • I've always considered myself a character actor. That's the way I was trained, really.

  • Going to the golf course every day for work? That's a good job.

  • God is the only way you're going to make it in life, the glue that holds everything together.

  • The truth [always] lies in things that have no words.

  • I was very uncomfortable with all the attention when it first started happening to me. I retreated quite a bit from the world, both physically and emotionally. But then you just accept that you can't control what the rest of the world thinks or does.

  • What I find is that we're all human beings and that it's all very similar, what we believe. At the bottom, there's really not that much difference between Christians and Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists. We all worship God.

  • What they will do is, you know the tabloids. They'll take one element of a story that may be true and they'll build everything around it. Take a picture and invent a story around it.

  • It's as predictable as the sun rising in the morning. Every time Barack Obama's poll numbers rise you can be certain he's done something else to weaken the country. He's empowered a base that loathes American excellence.

  • I was a guy back in the Eighties who was one movie away from a huge career, which at that time didn't happen. In the Nineties, I worked a lot, but it was kind of, 'Get out there and dig and find things.' Then I guess 'The Rookie' and 'Far From Heaven' were referred to as my comeback.

  • I would like my kids to follow their bliss.

    "Dennis Quaid and Director Ramin Bahrani Talk AT ANY PRICE, the American Dream, and Ending on a Morally Ambiguous Note". Interview with Sheila Roberts, April 23, 2013.
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 4 quotes from the Actor Dennis Quaid, starting from April 9, 1954! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
Dennis Quaid quotes about: Acting Character Film Golf