DJ Spooky Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of DJ Spooky's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from DJ Spooky's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 82 quotes on this page collected since 1970! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • The planet isn't improvising, it's creating dynamic tensions between complex living systems in a planetary choreography, a balancing act between physical, chemical, biological, environmental, and human components.

  • Geography is crucial for my work. I went to Antarctica and took a studio to several of the main ice fields to make field recordings of ice to create a symphony - acoustic portraits of ice.

    "DJ Spooky’s Icy Philharmonic". Interview with Hannah Levintova, October 17, 2011.
  • So yeah, how do I think of my environment and what happens with sound art? I love to play with the idea of elusive and intangible things. That could be psychological. It could be perceptual. It could be just the way your ears help you just navigate around.

    Art   Thinking   Play  
  • To me, the imagination is the ultimate renewable resource.

  • What I wanted to try and figure out was, okay, in contemporary 21st century life the alienation between the self and the land around you or the self and even the urban landscape. You name it.

    Self   Land   Names  
    "Big Think Interview With DJ Spooky". April 08, 2010.
  • Antarctic symphony has a geometric relationship to the landscape. It's saying that this landscape and the minimal kind of, you know I'm talking like seeing ice, is visually kind of eerily minimal.

    Talking   Ice   Symphony  
    Big Think Interview, April 8, 2010.
  • You know, in the sentence of humanity this place needs to be a parentheses. And when I say parentheses I mean I'm talking like you go around it. Leave it alone. Let it exist. And what I want people to see with this film is not only a respect for this place from the bottom of my heart.

    Heart   Mean   Talking  
  • When you're coming up with different ways of getting old memories to transform - you're scratching, you're doing all this kind of sampling - what ends up happening is that you're becoming a kind of writer with sound.

  • Downtown New York, I'm within certain styles of music and I'm also within certain cultural, you know, and literary context. So DJ Spooky was meant to be a kind of ironic take on that. It was always meant to be kind of a criticism and critique of how downtown culture would separate genres and styles because it was ambiguous. You couldn't fit it into anything and that was the point.

    "How 'That Subliminal Kid' Got His Name". Big Think Interview, April 08, 2010.
  • DJ Spooky was meant to be a kind of ironic take on that. It was always meant to be kind of a criticism and critique of how downtown culture would separate genres and styles because it was ambiguous.

  • I felt like on one hand the clarity of thought was amazing, but on the other we went during Antarctic summer, so the sun didn't set the whole time we were there.

    Summer   Hands   Sun  
  • I wanted to do with Antarctica was say let's hit the reset button on that and see what happens to your creative process. Let's go to the most remote place that you can imagine, set up a studio and see what music comes out of it.

  • I'm talking like just the beauty, but at the same time to get people to realize that we should treasure it. Maybe visualize it, but leave it alone. A

  • On one hand you have a string quartet, which is not a symphony. On the other hand is you have me sampling them and making it sound like there is many more people playing, so the whole notion of, kind of, sampling applied to classical music is very intriguing to me because composers throughout history have borrowed motifs and quotes from one another.

    Hands   Symphony   People  
  • Whenever you play a song, you're basically playing with a lot of zeros and ones. These are Western compositional models that other cultures have explored in so many ways.

  • There is a complexity and layering that goes on with this kind of thing, so the music is slightly repetitive and when I say repetitive it's in the same tradition as people like Steve Reich or Erik Satie or even WC.

    People   Goes On   Kind  
  • The idea of a visual icon that gives you a sense of information very quickly and that you can easily just say "That's what the style is."

    Ideas   Icons   Giving  
  • Our contemporary life is based on information that can change at any time.

    "Explorers. What Is Your Passion?" by DJ Spooky,
  • The easiest thing I can say is simple, but paradoxical in this era of total sampling: Be original.

    Simple   Sampling   Eras  
  • The most scarce resource we have these days is the idea.

  • When you think about a composer you know like Wagner or Pier Boulez or something like that most of the issues a composer is working with are about discreet, notated music that someone else will play.

    Thinking   Play   Issues  
  • I've tended to find that myths of the near future give people the ability to really kind of explore the present, so say for example if look at William Gibson and his book Neuromancer or if you look at J.G. Ballard or Samuel Delaney those are probably three of my favorite writers in that genre.

    Book   People   Giving  
    "Big Think Interview With DJ Spooky". April 08, 2010.
  • So, one, that DJ Spooky is a lot you know this sort of wilder persona and then Paul Miller is more of a nuts and bolts kind of person, meaning just making sure all these things work.

    Nuts   Kind   Spooky  
    Big Think Interview, April 8, 2010.
  • Whales, for example, also navigate with sound, but they're now beginning to be beached because the ocean is getting too noisy. Weird things like that. I mean this is very real. Like, if you look at the satellites in the sky at night you know it's an eerie sense of we're.

    Real   Ocean   Mean  
    Big Think Interview, April 8, 2010.
  • I think that electronic music mirrors the complexity of "information landscapes." You carry the terrain in your mind.

    Thinking   Mirrors   Mind  
  • The name [Spooky] comes from well back in university I was doing a series of essays and writing about Sigmund Freud's idea of the uncanny and I was really intrigued by this idea of "The Unheimlich".

    Writing   Names   Ideas  
  • It's like the iPod playlist has killed the way we think of the normal album, so let's think of this as just saying you go into your record store and all those categories and all those different ways of segregating music have been thrown out the window, so the difference between myself in real life in that is that I'm the opposite.

  • If you don't understand the past, the future won't make much sense either.

    Past   Ifs  
  • Sleep is crucial and I tend to find when the sun is shining I find it much more difficult to get that sense of sleep.

    Sleep   Shining   Sun  
  • I'm passionate about the fact that this world that we live on is a stunningly beautiful place we have despoiled at every level.

    "Explorers. What is your passion?".
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 82 quotes from the DJ Spooky, starting from 1970! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!