Elizabeth Gilbert Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Elizabeth Gilbert's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Elizabeth Gilbert's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 633 quotes on this page collected since July 18, 1969! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I was the baby of the family, but I was never babied, and that allowed me to take whatever artistic temperament I had and apply learned discipline. I was taught how to work. I think that's everything. Creativity and imagination alone are not going to get you there.

  • The ingredients of both darkness and light are equally present in all of us,...The madness of this planet is largely a result of the human being's difficulty in coming to viruous balance with himself.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2009). “Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything”, p.262, Bloomsbury Publishing
  • Your home is whatever in this world you love more than you love yourself. So that might be creativity, family, invention, adventure, faith, service, it might be raising corgies, I don't know - Your home is that thing to which you can dedicate your energies with such singular devotion that the ultimate results become inconsequential.

  • You have no idea how strong my love is!

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2009). “Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything”, p.167, Bloomsbury Publishing
  • Devotion is diligence without assurance. Faith is a way of saying "Yes, I pre-accept the terms of the universe and I embrace in advance what I am presently incapable of understanding.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2010). “The Complete Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love; Committed; The Last American Man; Stern Men & Pilgrims”, p.167, A&C Black
  • But, ancient Greece and ancient Rome - people did not happen to believe that creativity came from human beings back then, OK? People believed that creativity was this divine attendant spirit that came to human beings from some distant and unknowable source, for distant and unknowable reasons.

    "Do All Of Us Possess Genius?". Interview with Alison Stewart, www.npr.org. May 25, 2012.
  • People always fall in love with the most perfect aspects of each other's personalities. Who wouldn't? Anybody can love the most wonderful parts of another person. But that's not the clever trick. The really clever trick is this: Can you accept the flaws? Can you look at your partner's faults honestly and say, 'I can work around that. I can make something out of it.'? Because the good stuff is always going to be there, and it's always going to pretty and sparkly, but the crap underneath can ruin you.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2010). “The Complete Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love; Committed; The Last American Man; Stern Men & Pilgrims”, p.393, A&C Black
  • Even in the worst tragedies and crisis, there’s no reason to add to everyone’s misery by looking miserable yourself.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2010). “The Complete Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love; Committed; The Last American Man; Stern Men & Pilgrims”, p.248, A&C Black
  • Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2010). “The Complete Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love; Committed; The Last American Man; Stern Men & Pilgrims”, p.127, A&C Black
  • In order for marriage to endure it has to change along with us, and it does that very graciously. And in the end I find there is something kind of moving about it: the fact that people continue to insist on choosing somebody to build a life with.

    Goodreads Interview, www.goodreads.com. January, 2010.
  • The six elements of her Fail Proof Broken-Heart Curing Treatment: "Vitamin E, get much sleep, drink much water, travel to a place far away from the person you loved, meditate and teach your heart that this is destiny.

    Heart   Sleep   Destiny  
    Elizabeth Gilbert (2009). “Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything”, p.276, Bloomsbury Publishing
  • My husband is not American. He was born in Brazil, where he grew up under a filthy, corrupt dictatorship. In his twenties, he moved to Europe, where he lived for a while under various socialist democracies. He spent a few years on a kibbutz in Israel, living out a utopian experiment in communal existence.

    "Leadership Begins With Character". www.huffingtonpost.com. September 21, 2012.
  • In desperate love, we always invent the characters of our partners, demanding they be what we need of them, and then feeling devastated when they refuse to perform the role we created in the first place.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2010). “The Complete Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love; Committed; The Last American Man; Stern Men & Pilgrims”, p.20, A&C Black
  • I've been screwed and sued and tattooed, and I'm still standin' here in front of you.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2009). “Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything”, p.60, Bloomsbury Publishing
  • When you want to do something creative and you want to do something new, you have to start with the thing that's making you want to jump up out of bed in the morning.

    "Elizabeth Gilbert, ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ Author, On What It Takes To Get Inspired". Interview with Chantal Pierrat, www.huffingtonpost.com. August 11, 2013.
  • Change is all about motion, motion is all about uncertainty and we are deeply uncomfortable with uncertainty.

  • I have these new policies toward my life, like 'I will not accelerate when I see the yellow light.'

  • Modern marriage is first and foremost a romantic and private union, but the tax laws and inheritance laws and religious implications that still surround this institution indicate that marriage has evolved without casting away its earlier purposes or assumptions. It's like we just keep building on this thing, piling new advancements on the old model.

  • Absolute certainty is not something I strive for anymore. I've learned the hard way that destiny usually looks upon our most strident convictions with amusement, or perhaps even pity.

  • Learning how to discipline your speech is a way of preventing your energies from spilling out of you through the rupture of your mouth, exhausting you and filling the world with words, words, words instead of serenity, peace and bliss.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2010). “The Complete Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love; Committed; The Last American Man; Stern Men & Pilgrims”, p.180, A&C Black
  • If you're alive, you're a creative person.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2015). “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear”, p.45, Bloomsbury Publishing
  • How much do you love me?' and "Who's in charge?" ....these two questions of LOVE and CONTROL undo us ALL, trip us up and cause war, grief, and suffering. People follow different paths, straight or crooked, according to their temperament, depending on which they consider best, or most appropriate -- and all reach You, just as rivers enter the ocean.

  • You know, I think that allowing somebody, one mere person to believe that he or she is like, the vessel you know, like the font and the essence and the source of all divine, creative, unknowable, eternal mystery is just a smidge too much responsibility to put on one fragile, human psyche. It's like asking somebody to swallow the sun.

  • in stillness, I watched myselfget eaten by mosquitoes... the itch was maddening at first but eventually it just melded into a general burning feeling and i rode that heat to a mld euphoria. I allowed the pain to lose its specific associations and become pure sensation... and that eventually lifted me out of myself and into meditation.

  • That's just your ego, trying to make sure it stays in charge. This is what ego does. It keeps you feeling separate, keeps you with a sense of duality, tries to convince you that you're flawed and broken and alone instead of whole.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2010). “The Complete Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love; Committed; The Last American Man; Stern Men & Pilgrims”, p.134, A&C Black
  • Desiring another person is perhaps the most risky endeavor of all. As soon as you want somebody—really want him—it is as though you have taken a surgical needle and sutured your happiness to the skin of that person, so that any separation will now cause a lacerating injury.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2010). “Committed: A Sceptic Makes Peace With Marriage”, p.52, A&C Black
  • Some days are meant to be counted, others are meant to be weighed.

  • Devotion is diligence without assurance

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2010). “The Complete Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love; Committed; The Last American Man; Stern Men & Pilgrims”, p.167, A&C Black
  • My heart skipped a beat and then flat-out tripped over itself and fell on its face. Then my heart stood up, brushed itself off, took a deep breath and announced: "I want a spiritual teacher.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2010). “The Complete Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love; Committed; The Last American Man; Stern Men & Pilgrims”, p.26, A&C Black
  • So now I have started living my own life. Imperfect and clumsy as it may look, it is resembling me now, thoroughly.

    Elizabeth Gilbert (2009). “Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything”, p.100, Bloomsbury Publishing
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 633 quotes from the Author Elizabeth Gilbert, starting from July 18, 1969! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!