Evan Rachel Wood Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Evan Rachel Wood's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actress Evan Rachel Wood's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 97 quotes on this page collected since September 7, 1987! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I was always into very androgynous things. Guys, girls... I'm into androgyny in general.

    "A Guided Tour of Evan Rachel Wood: A Woman We Love" by Julian Sanction, www.esquire.com. April 17, 2011.
  • Getting to share a project with Anthony Hopkins is incredible. It's like watching Da Vinci paint or something - you're reminded why you do what you do.

    Source: www.marieclaire.com
  • I think it's a feminine energy, not necessarily men versus women, but a nurturing, mothering, loving energy. I think definitely. But I think you need a balance of both. I think right now we're just so in the extremes and people are just conditioned and given these gender assignments very early on.

    Men   Thinking   People  
    "Into The Forest: Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood Survive a Quiet Apocalypse". Interview With Don Kaye, www.denofgeek.com. July 28, 2016.
  • When I watch the show [Westworld], it leaves me looking at the world around me in a new way. It really stays with you. And it's one of those things that you have to figure out. You're going to get little clues along the way, and every time you think you know what's up, we're going to flip it around. It's going to take you for a really awesome, crazy ride, but it's a really, really revolutionary character for women. There's a lot of really fun stuff to look forward to.

    Source: collider.com
  • Anytime you have to get intimate on camera, it's always a little interesting. You have to trick your brain almost, so that you don't get stage fright or get too much in your head where you're super uncomfortable.

    Source: www.marieclaire.com
  • You always have that moment where you grow up and you're like, "Oh, my god, I'm being exactly like my mother." I think that's everyone's greatest hope and worst fear.

    Source: collider.com
  • I'm constantly changing, I'm constantly growing. I think I'm a little controversial... I just try and keep some mystery, so hopefully people can't really put their finger on it.

    "A Guided Tour of Evan Rachel Wood: A Woman We Love" by Julian Sanction, www.esquire.com. April 17, 2011.
  • I think I did realize that early on, and then I went through a fun phase where I was figuring out who I was and the different sides of myself. I think like most women, I bought into a certain ideal of beauty that I didn't quite fit into, and I tried to pretzel myself and alter myself to be what I was told is beautiful, and then I realized that you are in control of what you think is beautiful.

    Source: www.glamour.com
  • I think my favorite theory so far is that I am actually a robot. That's pretty great. In real life.

    Source: www.avclub.com
  • I definitely think there is a shift happening right now in terms of visibility, but there's still a choice you make as a public figure on what to do or how to present your sexuality.

    Source: www.marieclaire.com
  • I love the contrast of this side of [Dolores from the Westworlds] coming out, this tough fighter coming through this sort of Disney princess. There's something really powerful about that. But I was really excited to get some pants.

    Source: www.avclub.com
  • The running joke on set [of the Westworlds] was that everyone at some point thinks that they're Anthony Hopkins. Like, "Guys, I think I'm Dr. Ford. I'm Anthony Hopkins. That's the twist." We love all of the theories. Part of the fun of that show is figuring it out.

    Source: www.avclub.com
  • I feel like maybe I'm going to be in with the robots because they'll see the show [Westworld] and think I'm one of them.

    Source: collider.com
  • It was such a bigger picture [ Westworld] than what I thought it was. It's more of a revolution than a TV show.

    Source: collider.com
  • I can't say I'm one way or the other because I've honestly fallen in love with a man and I've honestly fallen in love with a woman. I don't know how you label that, it's just how it is.

    "Evan Rachel Wood Transforms Herself … Again". Interview with Katie Connor, www.marieclaire.com. September 14, 2011.
  • Dear God, I've done so many crazy hair colors and outfits and makeup looks where I look back and it's like, What the hell was I doing? You can't be afraid to make mistakes, you have to take risks. We all have those moments we look back on and wish weren't captured on film, but we're not alone in that.

    Source: www.glamour.com
  • I'll never forget my 24th birthday when my tooth got punched out. And for a second I was like, it would be really hilarious if I sold it on eBay. But I can't, that's just too creepy. I don't think I can go there.

  • I had been in a place where I was letting too many people dictate who I should be and what I should be, and I was trying to make everybody happy to the point where it was just killing me. I'd completely lost myself. It's kind of funny now that people think I've completely changed myself for Marilyn Manson, when this is actually the first time in my life that I took a stand and said, "This is who I am and this is who I've always wanted to be, and I'm finally with somebody who lets me be who I want to be."

  • You can become very reclusive in Hollywood. This gave us permission to be able to open up and be intimate with somebody that you might not normally be kind of brave enough or confident enough to do so with.

    "Into The Forest: Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood Survive a Quiet Apocalypse". Interview With Don Kaye, www.denofgeek.com. July 28, 2016.
  • I really fell for Marilyn Manson. I thought how awful it was that an artist like him could be blamed for something - someone who brings so much to the world and, if anything, probably comforts kids who are in pain by saying, "You're not alone."

  • One of the reasons why I fought for my roles is that I think there are so many things about them that are just human, but people like to label them as weird or bad or wrong because they're scared of them. I don't consider them bad - they're girls. They're going to make mistakes, but the films show the repercussions and show that they're going to learn. A lot of people are made to feel bad for being sad, so on top of already being unhappy, you're gonna hate yourself for it.

  • I like having surprises in the morning for each other on the bedside table, so when you wake up you have something immediately. Just like a little teaser. Then I think it's nice to stay in bed all morning. It's simple.

    Source: www.glamour.com
  • Ellen [Page] and I had only met a couple of times, but had mutual admiration for each other's work. When I first heard about the film [Into the Forest], I was excited to get a chance to work with one of my peers because it's usually one or the other. You don't get to work with all of the other actors that you're usually competing with.

    Source: collider.com
  • I have my own demons, my own pain and darkness, but I choose to embrace them and look at them head-on and deal with them. Then it doesn't hurt, and you learn from it.

  • This film [ Into the Forest], it was special for that reason, because as an actress, you usually don't get to work with other actresses because you are usually up for the same roles, and you don't get to hang out that much.

    Source: www.denofgeek.com
  • I was always pale. And I'm glad that I can be open about my paleness now.

  • With bisexuality, there's so much out there in terms of what that means and there are so many definitions, and it's about finding out what's right for you.

    Source: www.marieclaire.com
  • I always feel like one of the guys and very unintimidated.

  • J.J. Abrams and Jonah Nolan and Lisa Joy, who are brilliant people, so I knew it [Westworld] was going to be amazing.

    Source: collider.com
  • Working with men like Al Pacino, Tommy Lee Jones, Michael Douglas, Edward Norton, David Morse, and Kevin Costner, you have to step up and look them dead in the eye and, you know, scare them. I can see it when it happens, and they don't know it's coming. It's the best look on any man's face when he gets paired with a woman and he doesn't expect her to kick his ass. I'm not saying I've kicked any of their asses, but I feel like I have held my own and said, "I am a force to be reckoned with." It's about not being intimidated. I feel it makes me a stronger woman.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 97 quotes from the Actress Evan Rachel Wood, starting from September 7, 1987! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!