Jan Hunt Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Jan Hunt's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Comedian Jan Hunt's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since March 13, 1946! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • As a homeschooling parent, I have often wondered who learns more in our family, the parent or the child. The topic I seem to be learning the most about is the nature of learning itself.

    Jan Hunt (2013). “The Natural Child: Parenting from the Heart”, p.113, New Society Publishers
  • It shouldn't hurt to be a child.

    Jan Hunt (2013). “The Natural Child: Parenting from the Heart”, New Society Publishers
  • Children raised with love and compassion will be free to use their time as adults in meaningful and creative ways, rather than expressing their childhood hurts in ways that harm themselves or others. If adults have no need to deal with the past, they can live fully in the present.

    Jan Hunt (2013). “The Natural Child: Parenting from the Heart”, p.4, New Society Publishers
  • When we believe in our child fully, we trust that they are doing the very best they can at every moment, given their age, past experience and present circumstances. It is this kind of trust that I mean when I talk about parenting being on their child's side. Having someone dependably 'on their side' is absolutely critical if a child is to grow into adulthood with a generous capacity for love and trust. If we aren't on their side, who will be?

  • Toddlers ask many questions, and so do school children - until about grade three. By that time, many of them have learned an unfortunate fact, that in school, it can be more important for self-protection to hide one's ignorance about a subject than to learn more about it, regardless of one's curiosity.

    Jan Hunt (2013). “The Natural Child: Parenting from the Heart”, p.115, New Society Publishers
  • Ignoring a baby's cry is like using earplugs to stop the distressing noise of a smoke detector. The sound of a smoke detector is meant to alert us to a serious matter that requires a response - and so is the cry of a baby.

    Jan Hunt (2013). “The Natural Child: Parenting from the Heart”, p.34, New Society Publishers
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 4 quotes from the Comedian Jan Hunt, starting from March 13, 1946! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
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