John Kasich Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of John Kasich's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Former United States Representative John Kasich's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 202 quotes on this page collected since May 13, 1952! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I served on the Armed Services Committee for 18 years and we must lead, or the job won't get done, unfortunately, for our country.

    CNN-Facebook Republican Presidential Debate, December 16, 2015.
  • I think that's coming to an end. And, you know, when we ... we can't beg them [russians] to get along with us. And I think there was some of that going on, which has now ended.

  • Leadership is more important than people's political career at times.

  • I have never worshipped at the altar of free trade, but I've always been an advocate of free trade.

  • First of all, we're not Rust Belt. I mean, that's an old term. We do have manufacturing. We have a half-a-billion-dollar investment from a Chinese individual, which brings a couple thousand jobs in Dayton.

  • The Republican Party cannot be anti-trade, anti-immigrant, not out there practicing the politics of people, you know, the issues surrounding drug addiction and mental illness and the cost of prescription drugs and healthcare and student debt and all of these things are very personal to people now.

    Party   People  
  • I spent ten years in the private sector, actually learning how business works. I'm the governor of Ohio, and I inherited a state that was on the brink of dying. And we turned it all around with jobs and balanced budgets and rising credit and tax cuts, and the state is unified, and people have hope again in Ohio.

    Republican presidential primary debate, August 6, 2015.
  • There is a difference between Iraq, where you have Sunni, Shia, and Kurds put together after the First World War by the Western powers. It doesn't work. It needs to break up into three parts.

    CNN-Facebook Republican Presidential Debate, December 16, 2015.
  • A lot of politicians now, here's what they're worried about. If you're a Democrat you're worried about your base on the left, and if you're a Republican you're worried about your base on the right.

  • There is a growing sense in America that being disconnected is not good. And there's also some people that are staying in their silos and not coming out, but we have to pull them out, and we have to pull ourselves together at some point, I think.

  • I know that, you know, leaders have to lead. I don't read polls to decide what I'm going to do. But for the best interest of the people of our state [Ohio], having a big mix of technology, healthcare, IT, financial services, and manufacturing is the ticket.

  • Somebody tells me no, they're not going to keep telling me no, because I'm going to bother them to the point where it's a lot easier for them to say yes than keep saying no.

    "Hardball with Chris Matthews", May 15, 2015.
  • I was a member of the Armed Services Committee for 18 years. I spent a big chunk of my life studying national security issues and our role in the world.

    GOP Debate, August 06, 2015.
  • I don't look at polls, I pay no attention to them. I pay attention to the public, and the sense of where the public is on certain things, but you have to lead.

  • Everybody has a right to their God-given purpose.

    John Kasich at the Republican presidential primary debate hosted by Fox News in Cleveland, Ohio, August 7, 2015.
  • If the B2 is invisible, just announce you've built 100 of them and don't build them.

  • I am told that the Saudis have organized 34 countries who want to join in the battle against terrorism.

    CNN-Facebook Republican Presidential Debate, December 16, 2015.
  • I'm an old-fashioned person and I happen to believe in traditional marriage.

    John Kasich at the Republican presidential primary debate hosted by Fox News in Cleveland, Ohio, August 7, 2015.
  • People are beginning to understand my vision and my message because finally people are beginning to allow me to be heard.

    "McConnell vows to hold the line against Obama's SCOTUS pick; Does John Kasich have a path to the GOP nomination?". "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace, March 20, 2016.
  • With all those fledgling countries in Asia, who really want to stand with us but they live under the shadow of China and the smaller shadow of Russia. So I just think Trans-Pacific Partnership is really important both economically and geopolitically.

  • If you talk to anybody who's been successful in business, they will tell you the thing that matters the most are people. And clearly, in this case, the quality of the people was not paid attention to. By the board and I don't know what they were doing. And I think there is a certain accountability by the board here.

  • I just don't see anybody that's particularly interested in fixing that.

  • That if you’re poor, somehow you’re shiftless and lazy.

    "Ohio Governor Defies G.O.P. With Defense of Social Safety Net" by Trip Gabriel, October 28, 2013.
  • No one ever expect me to get in the race. They didn't think I would get on the debate stage. I did. They didn't think I'd do well in New Hampshire. I finished second. And so we went to South Carolina. In a short period of time later, two weeks ago people in South Carolina had no clue who I was.

    "Face the Nation" with John Dickerson, February 21, 2016.
  • To put all of your eggs in one basket is silly. We did that for a long time and I don't think it's very smart.

  • People have accused me at times of having too big of a heart.But I have to also to say I must keep the people of my state safe. So we take a pause [in taking refugees].

  • We don't have to fight all the time. It can be done, and we will be great when we join together.

    John Kasich's remarks during the CNN-Facebook Republican Presidential Second Debate at the Venetian Las Vegas hosted by Wolf Blitzer, December 16, 2015.
  • To allow the Russian activity to go unresponded to is not acceptable.

  • How do you prevent people from doing inappropriate things? We can write laws. But at the end of the day, I actually wonder what the board was doing.

  • People have now been absorbing only that they agree with. You know, part of it is if you're liberal, you consume liberal information. If you're a conservative, you consume conservative information. And there's a certain stridency in both that you know everything, and if somebody doesn't agree with you, you think they don't know what they're talking about, and you become intolerant.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 202 quotes from the Former United States Representative John Kasich, starting from May 13, 1952! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

    John Kasich

    • Born: May 13, 1952
    • Occupation: Former United States Representative