Julie Delpy Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Julie Delpy's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actress Julie Delpy's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since December 21, 1969! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I'm dreaming about making movies for eight weeks, because it's a luxury. But time is money. That's the reality.

    Dream   Reality   Luxury  
    "The Tavis Smiley Show", www.pbs.org. January 22, 2014.
  • I did a film that I shot in 24 hours that was self-financed for $5,000. It was a feature called Looking For Jimmy that I shot with a bunch of friends. I spent eight months editing because we had 24 hours of footage that made no sense and I learned a lot about directing while editing that film.

    Eight   Editing   Self  
    "Julie Delpy: Male Directors Have Stolen My Ideas". Interview with Emily Zemler, www.elle.com. March 22, 2016.
  • Very quickly I realized that directing is a combination of things: It's visual, it's directing the actors, it's telling a story. And people don't always mention this part of directing, but it's also knowing how to really edit something into something that makes sense.

    "Julie Delpy: Male Directors Have Stolen My Ideas". Interview with Emily Zemler, www.elle.com. March 22, 2016.
  • I think some people, when they get a certain ego, they lose sense of whatever.

    Thinking   People   Ego  
    "Chris Rock and Julie Delpy on Their Sundance Romance, On-screen Chemistry, and Racism Versus Stupidity". Interview with Jada Yuan, www.vulture.com. January 26, 2012.
  • I always feel this pressure of being a strong and independent icon of womanhood, and without making it look my whole life is revolving around some guy. But loving someone, and being loved means so much to me. We always make fun of it and stuff. But isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?

    Strong   Fun   Mean  
  • I've had this opportunity to get some of my financing out of Europe, which has helped tremendously, so I'm not completely dependent on the studio system or on U.S. financing.

    "Julie Delpy: Male Directors Have Stolen My Ideas". Interview with Emily Zemler, www.elle.com. March 22, 2016.
  • Reality and love are almost contradictory for me.

    "Fictional character: Celine". "Before Sunset", 2004.
  • Baby, you are gonna miss that plane.

    Baby   Sunset   Missing  
  • For Europeans a president having an affair, especially in France, is a joke. No one cares, it would never bring this kind of trouble to a country.

    "indieWIRE INTERVIEW | “2 Days in Paris” Director Julie Delpy". Interview with Erica Abeel, www.indiewire.com. August 8, 2007.
  • I'm a very direct person and, sometimes, when I want something, I will push it until I get it. But, it's OK. It's not as bad as some people. When I have an idea in my head, I'm pretty stubborn.

    "Chris Rock & Julie Delpy On ‘2 Days In New York’ And Michael Scott’s Chris Rock Impression". Interview with Mike Ryan, www.huffingtonpost.com. April 27, 2012.
  • Maybe every family is dysfunctional, and that's the only thing in common throughout the world.

    World   Common  
    Interview with Erica Abeel, www.indiewire.com. August 8, 2007.
  • I think I do find humor in disorder, and reality is disorder.

    "Julie Delpy's Entropic Vacation". Interview with Drew Fortune, www.interviewmagazine.com. August 9, 2012.
  • It's a typical story: you think of something, it stays in the back of your head for a while, and then you finally do it.

    Interview with Tasha Robinson, www.avclub.com. August 9, 2007.
  • Usually I'm able to imagine something and it comes out as I imagined, more or less.

    Able   Imagine  
    "Julie Delpy: Male Directors Have Stolen My Ideas". Interview with Emily Zemler, www.elle.com. March 22, 2016.
  • To make what you have in your head, I think that's what directing is.

    "Julie Delpy: Male Directors Have Stolen My Ideas". Interview with Emily Zemler, www.elle.com. March 22, 2016.
  • So often in my life I've been with people and shared beautiful moments like travelling or staying up all night and watching the sunrise, and I knew it was a special moment, but something was always wrong. I wished I'd been with someone else. I knew that what I was feeling - exactly what was so important to me - they didn't understand.

  • A lot of new American directors have had mentors who have given them advice. And some of them have had the way paved for them by huge Hollywood directors who saw a younger version of themselves.

    "Julie Delpy: Male Directors Have Stolen My Ideas". Interview with Emily Zemler, www.elle.com. March 22, 2016.
  • It's definitely easier for a woman to do a romantic comedy than a war movie. It's assumed a woman doesn't have a sense of what action is.

    War   Comedy   Action  
    "ndieWIRE INTERVIEW | "2 Days in Paris" Director Julie Delpy". Interview with Erica Abeel, www.indiewire.com. August 8, 2007.
  • I want to be positive and say: everything I've written will get made eventually.

    "Julie Delpy: Male Directors Have Stolen My Ideas". Interview with Emily Zemler, www.elle.com. March 22, 2016.
  • I actually love Scorsese comedies. He's an underrated comedy director. I think his comedies are some of the best comedies ever made.

    "Julie Delpy's Entropic Vacation". Interview with Drew Fortune, www.interviewmagazine.com. August 9, 2012.
  • I've never had help from anyone, ever. I've never had this great director who saw themselves in me, because I'm a French woman in Hollywood. Who could identify with me as a successful director in Hollywood? Nobody. And the few people who could have been mentors, instead they just stole my ideas.

    "Julie Delpy: Male Directors Have Stolen My Ideas". Interview with Emily Zemler, www.elle.com. March 22, 2016.
  • I hate that whole Tarantino thing about beating up women and killing them and chopping up. Just because you have the mind of a 12 year old.

    Hate   Years   Mind  
  • Isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?

    Sunrise   Littles   Way  
  • I avoid confrontation. When I'm on set I never snap at anyone. I don't have a temper.

    "indieWIRE INTERVIEW | “2 Days in Paris” Director Julie Delpy". Interview with Erica Abeel, www.indiewire.com. August 8, 2007.
  • Maybe I'm a bit of a psycho-but I'd rather be psycho than boring.

  • I make these little films. I'm just a working person. I just study people a little bit more. It's more sociological, and it's funny anyway - not that serious. It's not like false humility. I just take it for what it is.

  • The way I work is that I never let people do an assembly. I don't like it because it shapes the film in a way that I can't really control. To me, editing is making the film and it's a huge process and editors are under-rated.

    "Julie Delpy Talks 2 DAYS IN NEW YORK, Casting Chris Rock, Her Writing Process, Her Comedic Influences and Future Projects". Interview with Sheila Roberts, collider.com. August 10, 2012.
  • What's funny is that with my comedies I don't believe they're my best screenplays necessarily. They're just the ones that I wrote that I knew I could get financing, you know? I believe my other films could be better, but right now they're not being made. But they will eventually.

    Believe   Comedy   Film  
    "Julie Delpy: Male Directors Have Stolen My Ideas". Interview with Emily Zemler, www.elle.com. March 22, 2016.
  • Maybe I would get the chance to be financed for a small romantic comedy, but a war movie by a 28-year-old woman about Japanese soldiers? No one was going to go for that. It's easy to just steal an idea because it's very safe.

    War   Years   Ideas  
    "Julie Delpy: Male Directors Have Stolen My Ideas". Interview with Emily Zemler, www.elle.com. March 22, 2016.
  • I have a few other films in my life where I'm not attached and for a long time it was too complicated. Now it's starting to change because other actresses actually want to work with me, which is great.

    Long   Want   Actresses  
    "Julie Delpy: Male Directors Have Stolen My Ideas". Interview with Emily Zemler, www.elle.com. March 22, 2016.
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 4 quotes from the Actress Julie Delpy, starting from December 21, 1969! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!