Kelley Armstrong Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Kelley Armstrong's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Kelley Armstrong's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 260 quotes on this page collected since December 14, 1968! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I might be half Derek's size, but I was the one who sounded like a two-hundred-pound beast plowing through the woods.

    Kelley Armstrong (2010). “The Reckoning: The Darkest Powers Trilogy”, p.156, Penguin Group
  • He said "cool" like I say a Spanish word when I'm not sure of the pronunciation.

    Kelley Armstrong (2009). “The Darkest Powers Series, Book 1: The Summoning”, p.156, Penguin Group
  • The part about me being an 'okay sorcerer'? 'Not great'? No I believe I missed that. -Lucas Cortez (Dime Store Magic)

  • when times are tough, the weak bail and the tough get creative.

    Kelley Armstrong (2010). “Waking the Witch: A Novel”, p.85, Penguin
  • I hear voices. A shout. A laugh. Clay's laugh. I strained to see through the night. Fog had rolled in from Lake Ontario, but I could hear him laughing. The concrete turned to grass. The fog wasn't from the lake, but from a pond. Our pond. I was at Stonehaven, bounding through the back acres. Clay was running ahead of me.

    Kelley Armstrong (2012). “Werewolves: Book One: Bitten, Stolen and Beginnings”, p.506, Vintage Canada
  • Some women just aren’t cut out to be mothers, and unfortunately it had taken Susanna three kids to realize she was one of them.

    Kelley Armstrong (2010). “Tales of the Otherworld”, p.69, Bantam
  • Dad!" he shouted, loud enough to make my ears ring. "Dad! You need to get down here!" (Derek) Chloe held open the door and whispered to me, "I could say he's not always like this, but I'd be lying.

  • I love you. I'm not sure if it's the way you want me to. I think it might be. But I know that I love you. I absolutely love you.

    Kelley Armstrong (2013). “The Rising: Number 3 in series”, p.243, Hachette UK
  • I saw my true power. The darkest power. The greatest power. ~Jaime Vegas

  • We'll meet you here. Hopefully everyone will be in human form." A wry smile. "Though I'll warn you, he's not a whole lot more pleasant that way. At least as a wolf, he can't talk.

    Kelley Armstrong (2013). “The Rising: Number 3 in series”, p.201, Hachette UK
  • On that walk around the building, two sets of cops coming out stopped to tell our guys to hustle us inside so they could head back out on the road. Accidents everywhere. A pileup on each of two major roads. “Welcome to winter,” one said. “When fifty percent of drivers should have their licenses temporarily suspended.

  • And the lesson is that I should always wear these, so no one asks me to do anything crazy like climb onto a roof. ~Jaime Vegas on why she wears three inch heels on a mission

  • Great. So if I saw a guy standing still, and he wasn't wearing an old uniform, I just had to ask him to walk through furniture. If he stared at me like I was crazy, then I'd know he wasn't a ghost. - Chloe

  • Your mother sets you up blind dates? With guys like that?" The corners of his mouth twitched. "She doesn't like you very much, does she?

    Kelley Armstrong (2016). “Otherworld Chills”, p.121, Penguin
  • Derek? Derek!-Chole Chole! what are you doing out here? i said we will check it out later. key word WE-Derek oh, yeah I decided to come out on my own. thats why i was calling your name repeatively- Chole

  • He lifted his brows. "If I really thought it was the absolute best thing for our kids, you'd have had a battle on your hands. That was just a debate." "With chair-throwing." "Heated debate. Fights involve chair-breaking. Chair-throwing is just getting your attention.

  • You'll wrest a burning sword from an angel, but you're afraid of bats?" "I'm not afraid of them. I just don't like them. They're...furry. Flying things shouldn't be furry. It's not right. And if I ever meet the Creator, I'm taking that one up with him." "That I'd like to see. Your one and possible only chance to get the answer to every question in the universe, and you ask, 'Why are bats furry?'" "I will. You just wait.

  • Another werewolf thing. Like most animals, we spent a large part of our lives engaged in the three Fs of basic survival. Feeding, fighting and... reproduction.

    Kelley Armstrong (2009). “Stolen”, p.19, Vintage Canada
  • That's what being crazy was, wasn't it? You thought you were fine. Everyone else knew better.

    Kelley Armstrong (2014). “The Darkest Powers: Complete Trilogy Collection: The Summoning, The Awakening, The Reckoning”, p.25, Harper Collins
  • I slid closer, feeling his arms close around me, tightening. Our lips touched-- "Derek?" his dad called. "Chloe?" Derek let out a growl. I laughed and backed up. "We seem to get a lot of that, don't we?" I said. "Too much. After we eat, we're going for a walk. A long walk. Far from every possible interruption." I grinned up at him. "Sounds like a plan

  • I could shave my head and wear a sackcloth and still get a whole lot of ghostly wrong numbers. Makes me wonder if there’s some kind of ghost-necro porn industry down there. ~Jaime Vegas

  • Cleavage is great," she said. "Like an extra pocket.

    Kelley Armstrong (2014). “The Darkest Powers Trilogy, 3-book bundle: The Summoning, The Awakening, The Reckoning”, p.108, Penguin
  • Tori joined us for dinner --in body, at least. She spent the meal practicing for a role in the next zombie movie, expressionless, methodically moving fork to mouth, sometimes even with food on it.

    Kelley Armstrong (2008). “The Summoning: Number 1 in series”, p.113, Hachette UK
  • There are just as many bitches out there as bastards. Equal opportunity asshole-ism.

    Kelley Armstrong (2010). “Waking The Witch: Number 11 in series”, p.197, Hachette UK
  • He was trying to tell me something.' Derek snorted. 'Aren’t they all? Must be a rule in the ghost handbook—if in danger of evaporating, make sure you’re in the middle of a dire pronouncement.

    Kelley Armstrong (2010). “The Reckoning: The Darkest Powers Trilogy”, p.219, Penguin Group
  • Reviews are great. I can read negative reviews and say, You know that point they made... they were dead on.

    "Q&A with Kelley Armstrong, bestselling fantasy writer". Interview with Jacket Copy, July 27, 2011.
  • My past was a private obstacle, not a public excuse.

    Kelley Armstrong (2009). “Stolen”, p.194, Vintage Canada
  • Demon, angel, all the same thing if you go back far enough, or cut deep enough.

    Kelley Armstrong (2009). “Haunted”, p.95, Seal Books
  • You're telling me that you can raise the dead by simply summoning?" "Yes." "My God," she whispered, staring at me."What have they done?" Hearing her words and seeing her expression, I knew I'd just done something worse than raising the dead-- I'd confirmed her worst fears about us. In her eyes, I saw the same thing I saw when people looked at Derek. I saw fear. And I knew we were in trouble.

  • I'm not going anywhere, not without Chloe." Derek

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 260 quotes from the Writer Kelley Armstrong, starting from December 14, 1968! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!