Kristen Stewart Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Kristen Stewart's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actress Kristen Stewart's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 321 quotes on this page collected since April 9, 1990! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I mean, I love L.A. - I love living here. But I wish that we could make things without the need to hit a home run every single time. It's a unique thing to Hollywood that if you don't do that every time, then you're considered a failure. But it's like, 'Well, are you making movies to be successful? Or are you making movies to learn something?'

    "Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart". Interview with Elvis Mitchell, May 29, 2012.
  • I don't expect to seem cool to everyone; nor do I want to be. I think that's the opposite of the definition of cool. So I don't care at all.

  • I don't want to be a movie star like Angelina Jolie. Nothing about being a celebrity is desirable. I'm an actor. It's bizarre to me that everybody's so obsessive.

    "Is Hollywood turning on Angelina Jolie?". November 11, 2009.
  • I want to go to college. I'm going to take four years off. I don't want to miss that. I want to be a writer. I think that'd be awesome.

  • I don't believe in censorship.

  • Hate me for who I am, I don't care. At least I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not.

  • After my final Breaking Dawn scene, I felt like I could shoot up into the night sky and every pore of my body would shoot light. I felt lighter than I've ever felt in my life.

  • My God, I'm so in love with my boyfriend.

    "Kristen Stewart tells Vogue she’s into armpit licking. Don’t judge" by Malene Arpe, September 7, 2012.
  • It's a funny thing: You want so badly for people to see what you do - you're proud of it - and I like the effect that movies have on people. But the attention can also make me uncomfortable.

  • You know what? I don't care. I'm going to do what I want to do.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • To me 'they lived happily ever after' means to be happy with yourself! My parents always taught me that being happy has to work without Prince Charming. My life is completed without a prince but it's nice of course to have someone who loves you and fights for you.

  • I can't wait to be a mom, but I can wait.

  • I went to do Eclipse right after The Runaways, and I think the director of that movie might have said to another cast member that he had to beat the Joan Jett out of me.

  • Appreciate what you've got and follow your heart and you're all good. Don't over-complicate things.

  • I've been doing things myself in the sense that I haven't had a night nurse or anything like that, so I've spent every night with baby except for the nights that I've had to travel.

  • If you look at the actual movies that I've done, the whole struggle is to get to that point, so it's not something that you just have so easy . . . But it's okay. It doesn't bother me. I've done okay so far.

  • A lot of times, it gets weird when some guy is playing your dad. It feels weird to you. It feels like they're forcing sentiment. It's disgusting.

  • Because the Pang brothers are twins, they would rotate days on set. One of them would be editing, and one of them would be shooting.

    Interview with Jon Favreau, June 1, 2009.
  • You don't know who you will fall in love with. You just don't. You don't control it. Some people have certain things, like, 'That's what I'm going for,' and I have a subjective version of that. I don't pressure myself … If you fall in love with someone, you want to own them - but really, why would you want that? You want them to be what you love. I'm much too young to even have an answer for that question.

    "Kristen Stewart: Girl on the Edge". Interview with Karl Taro Greenfeld, February 10, 2014.
  • You can assess a culture to a degree by the way they receive movies and how they receive a given celebrity.

  • I have been criticized a lot for not looking perfect in every photograph. I'm not embarrassed about it. I'm proud of it. If I took perfect pictures all the time, the people standing in the room with me, or on the carpet, would think, 'What an actress! What a faker!'

    "'Twilight' star Kristen Stewart 'doesn't care about looking perfect'" by Tara Fowler, June 6, 2012.
  • One thing that I don't think I do is play characters. Once you start claiming that you can do something that you're not, you're crazy. I think scripts can really surprise you. You go, "Wow, I did not know that that response could come from me. I did not know that I had that in me." And so, the process of making the movie is just finding that and digging a little deeper.

  • You easily close yourself off to certain things because you want to seem like you know it all, or you're not weak - emotion is often confused as weakness - so when emotions are undeniably physically affecting you, I think it's a gift.

  • I'm like, bursting. I should be working. I don't want to take a break. It's funny, on set, I don't have to go to the bathroom, I don't have anything wrong, I'm perfectly fine, so through-and-through. I'm not hungry. I'm literally not even in my own body.

  • I am actually very well-organized. All I need to do is open my closet and just choose. But, you see, although I carry many different choices with me, I always end up wearing a tank top, jeans and sneakers.

  • I like being in movies that have a great story. I'm not so interested in being a Hollywood star. It's a job, you know. When you wake up at six in the morning every day for a week, it feels like hard work.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • I start to lose my mind if I'm not working on something, like breaking my back on something.

  • I just happened to have enough time to be able to take other parts between those first few Twilight films. But it wasn't about proving to people that I had something else to give.

  • Females want other females to be really strong, so there are a whole lot of scripts that are basically just male parts renamed as a girl.

  • I'm just going to let people watch whatever little movie they think our lives are and go for it.

    "Kristen Stewart on Robert Pattinson Relationship: 'Keep Them Guessing'" by Erin Carlson, November 07, 2012.
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 321 quotes from the Actress Kristen Stewart, starting from April 9, 1990! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!