Michael Scott Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Michael Scott's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Irish author Michael Scott's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 154 quotes on this page collected since September 28, 1959! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Ah. In my experience, when people say they don't know whether they love someone, they usually mean no.

  • Artists want to sell their work, sure. But they aren't out there asking questions about what people want and what they don't want, now are they?

  • Most writers, I'm afraid, live very boring lives sitting in front of a screen. However, having said that: every writer puts a bit of themselves into the characters to bring them alive.

  • I have been very lucky: my writing has taken me across the world, and I have seen some extraordinary sites and sights.

  • My specialty is mythology.There are artifacts like the hallows scattered through just about every mythology. However, what makes the Celtic hallows so interesting is that they are a self-contained group of objects.

    Source: emunderwood.com
  • They ex­pect­ed to lose. And there­fore, they lost. [..] Peo­ple who start think­ing deep dark thoughts in the mid­dle of a war start ex­pect­ing to lose.

  • We had little or no emotion. We lacked the capacity to feel fear, to experience love, to enjoy the sensations of happiness and delight.The finest warriors are not only those who do not fear, but those who are without anger.

    Michael Scott (2012). “The First Codex”, p.190, Delacorte Books for Young Readers
  • The research. It is always the best part of writing. And, of course, it is the great excuse to travel.

    Source: emunderwood.com
  • There really is no difference in the actual writing or plotting. I choose to tell different stories for the younger reader and, of course, I would never put sex and extreme violence in a YA book. But writing for adults and children requires the same care and attention.

    Source: emunderwood.com
  • He is many things - dangerous and devious, cunning and deadly, a good friend and an implacable enemy - but he comes from an age when a man's word was indeed precious.

    Michael Scott (2012). “The First Codex”, p.172, Delacorte Books for Young Readers
  • I'm always reading. Here's where an ebook reader really comes into its own. When I travel, it allows me to carry a huge chunk of my library with me. Usually, when I am writing one project, I am researching the next or beginning to pull together the material for the book after that.

  • The two that are one, the one that is all!

    Michael Scott (2008). “The Magician”, p.144, Random House
  • At the heart of every legend there is a grain of truth.

    Michael Scott (2012). “The First Codex”, p.89, Delacorte Books for Young Readers
  • I'm probably better known in the US as a YA writer, I have a huge body of adult horror and fantasy behind me.

    Source: emunderwood.com
  • That is as true for fiction or non-fiction. The writer has to really know their subject. It is really important to remember that the readers are a lot smarter than the writer. Also, good writing has to do with rewriting. You will never get it right the first time. So you rewrite and rewrite again until you get it right. Until you, and the reader, will be able to visualize what you're writing about.

  • Making sure that the geography and timelines work is always the hardest part of writing. But you owe it to the readers to get it right!

  • The best moment is when you walk into a bookstore and see a pile of your books - that is the oddest experience in the world!

  • To remain unknown in this modern world: that, indeed, is real power.

    Michael Scott (2012). “The First Codex”, p.27, Delacorte Books for Young Readers
  • You might argue that the history of contemporary art is a series of avant-garde movements, each new wave outraging the last.

  • The problem with contemporary art is that no one bothers to do the research necessary to give people what they want.

  • When it is going well, it is the best job [writing] in the world. For those few hours, you are god, in control of everything. However, for me, the great joy of writing is that it has allowed me to travel the world in search of stories.

  • Abraham Lincoln once said that if you are a racist, I will attack you with the north. And those are the principles that I carry with me in the workplace.

  • Some stories wait their turn to be told, others just tap you on the shoulder and insist you tell them.

  • Perenelle shuddered. "You know I hate leprechauns more than almost anything.

    Michael Scott (2012). “The Enchantress”, p.225, Random House
  • Even that. What is the point in living forever, if it is not with the woman I love?

  • Magic is really only the utilization of the entire spectrum of the senses. Humans have cut themselves off from their senses. Now they see only a tiny portion of the visible spectrum, hear only the loudest of sounds, their sense of smell is shockingly poor and they can only distinguish the sweetest and sourest of tastes.

    Michael Scott (2012). “The First Codex”, p.142, Delacorte Books for Young Readers
  • My mom always used to say that average people are the most special people in the world. And that's why God made so many.

  • The secret to writing is writing. Lots of people I know talk about writing. They will tell me about the book they are going to write, or are thinking about writing, or may write some day in the future. And I know they will never do it. If someone is serious about writing, then they will sit down every day and put some words down on paper.

    Interview with Michael Carroll, www.michaelowencarroll.com.
  • You don't call retarded people retards. It's bad taste. You call your friends retards when they are acting retarded.

  • I was brought up in a home where I saw my parents read and I was taken to bookshops and libraries, so I grew up feeling very comfortable around books. Also, Ireland is a country which has honoured its writers and poets, so when someone says they wanted to be a writer, its not mocked or looked down upon.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 154 quotes from the Irish author Michael Scott, starting from September 28, 1959! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!