Nick Clegg Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Nick Clegg's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Nick Clegg's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 65 quotes on this page collected since January 7, 1967! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Tony Blair and Gordon Brown committed to John Major's spending envelopes in 1997. No-one said that Tony Blair and John Major were identical. This happens quite often that parties actually, despite all the sound and fury, agree on the overall need to make sure that we live within our means as a country.

  • If you scratch below the surface and ask what really makes me tick, it's the liberalism of trying to promote freedom and opportunity. Promoting social mobility is one of the keys to that.

  • I think that the days when newspaper barons could basically click their fingers and governments would snap to attention have gone.

  • My head spins. One moment I'm told I'm too edgy, then people say I'm too angry, then that I show too much passion... make your minds up.

  • My dad's side of the family had lots of artists and musicians. There's an emotional, quite sentimental quality to Slavic culture. It's very open, it loves art, it loves music, it loves literature. It's very warm, it's very up, it's very down. I would celebrate that.

    Art   Dad   Emotional  
    "Nick Clegg interview: A year in the eye of the storm". Interview With Andrew Rawnsley, April 30, 2011.
  • Joining the Liberal Party was a no-brainer for me... And when you are a young man, you don't get a calculator out saying, 'Am I going to get to power?' You get propelled forward by idealism.

  • On the BSkyB bid, Rupert Murdoch is now in town in London seeking to sort things out. I would simply say to him, look how people feel about this. Look how the country has reacted with revulsion to the revelations. So do the decent and sensible thing and reconsider, think again, about your bid for BSkyB.

    "BSkyB: Clegg calls for Murdoch to 'do the decent thing' and drop deal" by Polly Curtis, July 11, 2011.
  • Every time [Chris Bryant] asks a question I become more and more baffled why anyone would want to hack his phone and listen to his messages

  • I work in lockstep, hand in glove, with the prime minister on these issues, and as we are supportive to the Eurozone so they can sort their problems out, in return they introduce safeguards to ensure precisely what I said: that the single market is not fragmented and that important industries like the financial services industry are treated fairly. Not exceptional treatment, but are just simply treated fairly, on a level playing field within Europe.

  • Most of what needs to be changed in the euro zone can be done without treaty changes. The demand for treaty change is as political as it is legal and I don't think it's going to happen soon.

  • The Conservative Party is not honouring the commitment to Lords reform and, as a result, part of our contract has now been broken. Clearly I cannot permit a situation where Conservative rebels can pick and choose the parts of the contract they like, while Liberal Democrat MPs are bound to the entire agreement.

    "Coalition deadlock as Nick Clegg and David Cameron veto each other" by Patrick Wintour, August 6, 2012.
  • One of the big changes in politics has been because families, individuals, have felt worried, insecure... worried about the economy, worried about their jobs, worried about their kids' futures... actually the disconnect between the public and media discourse and people's everyday concerns has become bigger not smaller.

  • You have a political and media elite who have an idiom by which they describe politics. It's highly, highly polarised. It's right, left, red, blue, up, down, victorious, crushed.

    "A year in the eye of the storm". Interview with Andrew Rawnsley, April 30, 2011.
  • One thing I've very quickly learned is that if you wake up every morning worrying about what's in the press, you would go completely and utterly potty.

    "Nick Clegg at home: 'Why are the students angry, Papa?" by Allegra Stratton, April 6, 2001.
  • Most people in the country would think the diamond jubilee is a wonderful occasion for us to celebrate together as a community and as a nation. But I suspect that most people in the country would think, given that there is very little money around, that this probably would not be the top of their list of priorities for the use of scarce public resources.

    "'The haves and have yachts': Clegg blasts Gove's call for a new royal ship for the Queen as a Jubilee present". January 16, 2012.
  • I care more about getting this right [NHS reform] than I do about getting it done.

  • [All governments] get into a rut where every potentially good story turns into a bad one.

  • I totally accept that it's a legitimate criticism that when you are involved in the day-to-day scrum of government that what can get lost is the narrative, the hymn sheet the song that inspires and lifts people's sights.

  • The Labour Party has become consumed by collective bile towards... the Liberal Democrats. That portrays a rather nasty arrogance.

  • Growth that lasts does not threaten our children's future. It recognises that our planet is a gift that must be cherished. That tomorrow is our responsibility as much as today.

  • You've got some very powerful countries: Poland, the United Kingdom, Sweden and others who have a genuine desire to see the euro zone straighten itself out. It's good for all of us, whether you're in the euro zone or not, to make sure that it doesn't lead to a fracturing.

  • Do I get up every morning and ask: am I doing the things that I believe in and am I doing them for the best possible motives? Yes. Unambiguously yes.

    "A year in the eye of the storm". Interview with Andrew Rawnsley, April 30, 2011.
  • Grown-up politicians talk to each other across party lines. Over the last few weeks I have had lengthy conversations with Ed Miliband, David Miliband, with Tony Blair, with Peter Mandelson... talking about Europe, talking about political reform.

    "Nick Clegg: parents can use pension pots to help young people buy property" by Hélène Mulholland, September 23, 2012.
  • The caricature of what George Osborne is doing on the fiscal side is absurd. If you read some of the commentary, particularly from the left, you would think he was turning the clock back to the 1930s.

    "Nick Clegg takes thorny path out of the Rose Garden". Interview with Nicholas Watt, August 28, 2012.
  • When I became leader, I made very clear I was not going to choose the easy life. I have always taken risks. I don't like comfort-zone politics.

    "Nick Clegg takes thorny path out of the Rose Garden". Interview with Nicholas Watt, August 28, 2012.
  • I don't want to clip on the armour every morning. I've seen some politicians do this and they get a bit mangled and bitter. I just refuse to do that. I refuse to be angry or bitter or complain, and I remain open. I may sometimes be a bit too open but I'm not going to change that one bit.

    "A year in the eye of the storm". Interview with Andrew Rawnsley, April 30, 2011.
  • The Liberal Democrats will add a heart to a Conservative government and a brain to a Labour one.

    "Lib Dems vow to block Tory welfare cuts plan in any coalition talks" by Nicholas Watt, Patrick Wintour, April 15, 2015.
  • Actually, the curious thing is that the more you become a subject of admiration or loathing, the more you're examined under a microscope, the distance seems to open up between who you really are and the portrayals that people impose on you.

  • If the euro zone doesn't come up with a comprehensive vision of its own future, you'll have a whole range of nationalist, xenophobic and extreme movements increasing across the European Union. And, frankly, questions about the British debate on EU membership will just be a small sideshow compared to the rise of political populism.

  • The Liberal Democrat Party and the Conservative Party come at things very differently when it comes to Europe. When it comes to political reform, we have a much greater tradition in the Liberal Democrats of social justice and fairness than the Conservatives do.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 65 quotes from the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Nick Clegg, starting from January 7, 1967! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

    Nick Clegg

    • Born: January 7, 1967
    • Occupation: Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom