Pat Buchanan Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Pat Buchanan's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Former Assistant to the President for Communications Pat Buchanan's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 94 quotes on this page collected since November 2, 1938! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • On immigration policy, I believe we ought to call an immediate halt, stop illegal immigration and reduce legal immigration back to about 250,000 to 300,000, to more easily assimilate the Americans who've come here in the last 30 years.

  • We were among Hoover's conduits to the American people.

  • Who would benefit from a war of civilizations between the West and Islam? Answer: one nation, one leader, one party. Israel, Sharon, Likud.

  • Let it be said: Loyalty to the New World Order is disloyalty to the Republic

  • Do not wait for orders from headquarters. Mount up, everybody, and ride to the sound of the gun.

    "The New Hampshire Primary: Boost Or Bust". Interview with Guy Raz, January 8, 2012.
  • If we do not get control of our borders, by 2050 Americans of European descent will be a minority in the nation their ancestors created and built.

    "Pat Buchanan On Why He Shares Trump's Ideas On Foreign Policy". "Morning Edition" with Rachel Martin, May 5, 2016.
  • The real liberators of American women were not the feminist noise-makers, they were the automobile, the supermarket, the shopping center, the dishwasher, the washer-dryer, the freezer.

  • Neocons say we attack them because they are Jewish. We do not. We attack them because their warmongering threatens our country, even as it finds a reliable echo in Ariel Sharon.

  • There has been sort of, if you will, a moral interventionism on the part of the United States trying to reshape countries in our own image. Now, we had to go into Afghanistan. We didn't have to go into Iraq. But the idea that you could create a Vermont in the Middle East like that was naive from the beginning.

  • They charge us with anti-Semitism…The truth is, those hurling these charges harbor a 'passionate attachment' to a nation not our own that causes them to subordinate the interests of their own country and to act on an assumption that, somehow, what's good for Israel is good for America.

  • Diesel engines do not emit enough carbon monoxide to kill anybody.

    "The Heresies of Pat Buchanan" by Jacob Weisberg, October 22, 1990.
  • Saying the Washington Post is just a newspaper is like saying Rasputin was just a country priest.

  • AIDS is nature's retribution for violating the laws of nature.

    "Cosmo's Deadly Advice To Women About Aids" by Jeff Cohen, Norman Solomon, July 31, 1993.
  • We live in an age where... Christian bashing is a popular indoor sport; and films mocking Jesus Christ are considered avant-garde.

  • You may be sure that in this new international system, the American citizen will count for precious little.

  • We're going to capture the lost sovereignty of our country... And when we get there, my friends, we will only be obedient to one sovereign America, and that is the sovereign of God Himself and His laws.

  • As for a climactic conflict between a once-Christian West and an Islamic world that is growing in numbers and advancing inexorably into Europe for the third time in 14 centuries, on this one, Breivik may be right.

    "A Fire Bell in the Night for Norway". Article by Patrick J. Buchanan, July 25, 2011.
  • I think that in the minds of many, the press is being seen less and less as a neutral observer in the impeachment enterprise and more and more as participants, or even collaborators. On Media's Participation In Watergate

  • Our two-party system is a fraud, a sham, a delusion. On foreign policy, trade, immigration, Big Government, we have one-party government, one party press; and conservatives are being played for suckers.

  • Christian morality, laws rooted in the secular humanist belief that all consensual sexual acts are morally equal. That belief is anti-biblical and amoral; to codify it into law is to codify a lie.

  • When I ran against George Bush Sr. in 1992, and we did very well in New Hampshire, and then we went on to California, it was four, five months later, I got 30 percent in the counties in Southern California, because Californians wanted us to do something about thousands of people walking into our country on weekends, and the president of the United States and the government of the United States, unlike General Eisenhower who dealt with it, did nothing. And that's what Trump is riding.

  • America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

    "Pat Buchanan Thinks You Should Be More Thankful For Slavery, Barry Obama". The Jezebel Interview, March 24, 2008.
  • The question we Americans need to address, before it is answered for us, is: Does this First World nation wish to become a Third World country? Because that is our destiny if we do not build a sea wall against the waves of immigration rolling over our shores...Who speaks for the Euro-Americans, who founded the USA?...Is it not time to take back America?

  • If America does not wish to end her days in the same nursing home as Britannia she had best end this geo-babble about new world orders. Our war, the Cold War, is over. It is time for America to come home.

  • Just as there's garbage that pollutes the Potomac river, there is garbage polluting our culture. We need an Environmental Protection Agency to clean it up.

  • McCarthy emerged in the person of Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin.

    "Feingold Flirts With Anti-War Platform". September 06, 2005.
  • Many teachers of the Sixties generation said "We will steal your children", and they did. A significant part of America has converted to the ideas of the 1960s - hedonism, self-indulgence and consumerism. For half of all Americans today, the Woodstock culture of the Sixties is the culture they grew up with - their traditional culture. For them, Judeo-Christian culture is outside the mainstream now. The counter-culture has become the dominant culture, and the former culture a dissident culture - something that is far out, and 'extreme'.

  • And how can we ever again succeed in educating children to become moral men and women if, in America's public schools, we consciously deny them all religious instruction, and deny them access to that primary source of morality, God's own word. The Bible is the one book from which they are expressly not allowed to be taught.

  • It's in the struggle itself that you define yourself.

  • The food that enters the mind must be watched as closely as the food that enters the body.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 94 quotes from the Former Assistant to the President for Communications Pat Buchanan, starting from November 2, 1938! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

    Pat Buchanan

    • Born: November 2, 1938
    • Occupation: Former Assistant to the President for Communications