Russell Brand Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Russell Brand's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Comedian Russell Brand's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since June 4, 1975! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • If you're a drug addict, often you're stealing - I've gotten done for shoplifting a few times.

  • If you strip away self-effacement, charm and the spirit of mischief-qualities that make determination and ambition tolerable- you're left with a right ar**hole.

  • God is in the mountains. Impassive, immovable, jagged giants, separating the celestial from the terrestrial with eternal diagonal certainty. As if silently monitoring the beating heart of the creator from the universe's perfect birth. Stood in the thin air and the awe, one inhales God, involuntarily acknowledging that we are but fragments of a whole, a higher thing. The mountains remind me of my place, as a servant to truth and wonder. Yes, God is in the mountains. Perhaps the pulpit too and even in the piety of an atheist's sigh. I don't know; but I feel him in the mountains.

  • I didn't cross the line, you drew it in after I traversed it.

  • Today's 'Sesame Street' will NOT be brought to you by the number 34 or the letter D.

    Russell Brand @rustyrockets, September 23, 2010.
  • When you bump into your own mom at an orgy, it's hard not to get her to read into certain things.

    Funny   Mom   Bumps  
  • In England, we have such good manners that if someone says something impolite, the police will get involved.

    "Biography/Personal Quotes".
  • What should happen is a little voice in your head, like Jimmy Cricket in Pinocchio, will go 'But Russell, that bird, that's a creature like you, if you kill it it'll be all sad' and you go 'F***, alright. I won't kill it then.'

  • I really, really love children and I think probably among children is when I feel mostly berated. It's not like I feel like oh, there's some children here. I have to tone it down. I go nuts with children especially when I ain't got none. So when I'm round my mates' children, I jest them kids up first. I swear at them, I get more worked up, I say crazy stuff to them, fill their heads with nonsense and then I leave them.

    MoviesOnline Interview,
  • The way I've been with drink and drugs suggests I have a tendency to get addicted to things.

  • I want to change the world, and do something valuable and beautiful. I want people to remember me before I'm dead, and then more afterwards.

    Russell Brand (2008). “My Booky Wook”, p.230, Hachette UK
  • The only systems we can afford to employ are those that rationally serve the planet first, then all humanity. Not out of some woolly, bullshit tree-hugging piffle but because we live on it, currently without alternatives.

  • It was crushingly disappointing as a fan of The Simpsons to discover that it's just you in a room speaking into a microphone. I thought I was going to become friends with Homer Simpson, but unfortunately none of them are real.

  • All penguins are the same below the surface, which I think is as perfect an analogy as we're likely to get for the futility of racism.

    Russell Brand (2008). “My Booky Wook”, p.48, Hachette UK
  • Tumbling into a dark, Lewis Carroll labyrinth of filth, pursuing a white rabbit of smut!

  • You're a musician, it is important that you suffer!

  • When you fall in love you recognise you're not the most important person in the world, and your focus becomes another person.

  • People don't throw your bags out of windows because of lies; they throw them out because of the truth.

    "Brand Loyalty: Russell Brand". Interview with Andrew Goldman, May 19, 2010.
  • Sometimes when we're incensed by the rancid tide of injustice, the impulse is to attack. We must avoid this. We have learned that violence as a means is always unsuccessful.

    Russell Brand (2014). “Revolution”, p.82, Ballantine Books
  • Then, of course, through the umbilical link we all tumble backwards down the spiralling DNA staircase to one common ancestor in Africa, and before that some bunch of curious monkeys. Down and down we go unto the sea, unto the dust, the single cellular dust. What impulse drove one cell to become two? What yearning pulled the fish on to the land? What caused apes to walk upright? Some invisible magnetic pull. Is there a difference between attraction and intention? Where is evolution taking us?

    Russell Brand (2014). “Revolution”, p.66, Ballantine Books
  • I also quite like to be recognized by children; I find it sweet.

  • Have you considered that the Bible, like all religious doctrine, may be allegorical and symbolic, to direct us toward one holy entity of love, as opposed to a simplistic litiginous text to direct the behavior of human beings?

    "Russell Brand Surprises Westboro Baptist Church With Gay Men on His FX Show" by Jordan Zakarin, November 20, 2012.
  • It's no wonder Bob Geldof knows so much about famine - he's been dining out on I Don't Like Mondays for 30 years.

    "Russell Brand: profile" by James Sturcke, October 29, 2008.
  • I couldn't possibly have sex with someone with such a slender grasp on grammar!

  • The priority of any addict is to anaesthetise the pain of living to ease the passage of day with some purchased relief.

    "Amy Winehouse's Death: Russell Brand Pens Appreciation For the Late Singer" by Jane Kellogg, July 24, 2011.
  • Everyone has their own mantra.

    "Russell Brand: This charming man". Interview with Emma Brockes, June 4, 2010.
  • There was [really] little difference between someone acting throwing french fries in your face and someone throwing french fries in your face.

  • I'll not be changing, but America will.

  • Drugs and alcohol are not my problem, reality is my problem, drugs and alcohol are my solution.

    "Russell Brand: my life without drugs" by Russell Brand, March 9, 2013.
  • Life is not a theme park, and if it is, the theme is death.

    Russell Brand (2008). “My Booky Wook”, p.119, Hachette UK
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 4 quotes from the Comedian Russell Brand, starting from June 4, 1975! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!