Simon Rex Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Simon Rex's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actor Simon Rex's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 12 quotes on this page collected since July 20, 1974! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • LA people are more laid back about certain things.

  • I've been very luckily - I bought a house, I work, my life's been very blessed. I thought it would be funny to exaggerate the non-working side.

  • It's interesting in American culture. We like to build people up and then push them off the pedestal, and then we want to see them come back. Like Britney Spears, and a lot of people, it's what we do, and it's not like that in other parts of the world.

    "From 'Dirt Nasty' To 'Rex': An Uncensored Interview With Celeb-Skewering Simon Rex". Interview with Steve Krakauer, July 13, 2009.
  • I think there is some truth to publicity stunts that might get you press like that. It's so hilarious because now every time I walk by the tabloid stands and look at the tabloids it makes me kind of wonder like what's really going on.

  • I think it's such open game to make fun of myself. First of all, as a white rapper you have to have an angle and not try to be ghetto or anything. You can count on one hand the white rappers that have made it.

    Fun   Ghetto   Thinking  
  • My nards aren't clean Ive been partying With Charlie Sheen

    Party   Hip Hop   Clean  
  • People think Paris [Hilton] is a ditzy blond, and I don't want to blow it for her, but she plays it really well. She knows exactly what she's doing. She's actually a pretty smart person. She's very cognizant of what she's doing, and she kind of plays that role, so people think she's some airhead but she's really not.

    Smart   Blow   Thinking  
  • Paris Hilton said something interesting to me once: she said, 'I just tell everyone what they want to hear, and I do what I want to do.'

  • Every girl wanna hold my chain when I f#%k their brains out on the Mustang

    Girl   Hip Hop   Brain  
  • I never really got any attention until I was on MTV. I became a household name because I was on every day from 3-4pm. I wasn't prepared for it - how mean they can be in the press. I wouldn't say I'm jaded now, I guess I'm just used to it.

    Mean   Mtv   Names  
  • I remember one time I went to a party and I had to interview Reese Witherspoon. She was just in this movie "Freeway," it's like 1996. To prepare for the interview I went to meet her at this release party, and I end up getting in this fist fight with a guy. I'm not much of a fighter but I get in this fight and the press was all there and they saw me, and all of a sudden the next day in the paper was 'Simon Rex and his posse get in scuffle, and Simon crashes a bottle over a guy's head after smoking crack in the bathroom.' I saved the article forever.

    "From 'Dirt Nasty' To Rex: An Uncensored Interview With Celeb-Skewering Simon Rex". Interview with Steve Krakauer, July 13, 2009.
  • I never got really into Twitter until more recently when I started doing the Dirt Nasty thing, and created that other character. I think it's almost essential now. I don't think Leonardo DiCaprio necessarily needs to do it, but someone like me, who's somewhere in the middle of nowhere and a shitstack, I need to do that.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 12 quotes from the Actor Simon Rex, starting from July 20, 1974! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
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