Sophia Amoruso Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Sophia Amoruso's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Sophia Amoruso's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since April 20, 1984! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Sophia Amoruso: Challenges Opportunity Team more...
  • You combine hard work, creativity, and self-determination, and things start to happen.

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.22, Penguin
  • A #GIRLBOSS knows when to throw punches and when to roll with them.

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.19, Penguin
  • True success lies in knowing your weaknesses and playing to your strengths

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.54, Penguin
  • It’s the age-old concept of like attracts like, or the law of attraction. You get back what you put out, so you might as well think positively, focus on visualizing what you want instead of getting distracted by what you don’t want, and send the universe your good intentions so that it can send them right back.

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.89, Penguin
  • You belong wherever you want to belong.

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.100, Penguin
  • If you’re frustrated because you’re not getting what you want, stop for a second: Have you actually flat-out asked for it? If you haven’t, stop complaining. You can’t expect the world to read your mind. You have to put it out there, and sometimes putting it out there is as simple as just saying, “Hey, can I have that?

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#Girlboss”, p.110, Penguin UK
  • I believe that there is a silver lining in everything, and once you begin to see it, you'll need sunglasses to combat the glare.

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.100, Penguin
  • When you think about people, you give them power.

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.93, Penguin
  • It's really, really eclectic. It's not a business book [Girlboss], but it's still a book that should make you want to get up and do things and think about your life. And for a book that looks that beautiful on a coffee table, I think that's a very special thing. So it's hopefully a new genre I guess, of book. It was so fun to put together and fun to write, that was really a pleasure.

    Beautiful   Fun   Coffee  
  • I think there are times when I can be a good thing.

    "#GirlBoss Sophia Amoruso on Her New Book, Nasty Galaxy". Interview with Maddy Budd, September 13, 2016.
  • Well advice people have told me that is that, "If people aren't suing you, you haven't made it," which I don't necessarily believe but with greater success comes greater responsibility and being one of the few female entrepreneurs who I think has been as public as I have been, you're definitely under a spotlight. It's difficult to manage.

    "#GirlBoss Sophia Amoruso on Her New Book, Nasty Galaxy". Interview with Maddy Budd, September 13, 2016.
  • I'm not out there picking out every single item that we sell, and also we don't even make every single item that we sell.

    Items   Sells  
    "#GirlBoss Sophia Amoruso on Her New Book, Nasty Galaxy". Interview with Maddy Budd, September 13, 2016.
  • The energy you'll expend focusing on someone else's life is better spent working on your own. Just be your own idol.

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.20, Penguin
  • The world loves to tell you how difficult things are, and the world's not exaggerating. But difficult doesn't mean impossible, and out of the bajillions of things in this universe that you can't control, what you can control is how hard you try, and if or when to pack it in.

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.163, Penguin
  • It's a huge assortment that we have under our roof and I don't know, it's just managing a taste level and execution of a vision. I think our team does as incredible job at it but it takes incredible leadership and I'm only really a spark for all of that. I'm not out there at every trade show, and so having an amazing team that can keep that vision month after month and keep the assortment consistent is a huge challenge. But something I think we execute every well.

    Jobs   Team   Thinking  
    "#GirlBoss Sophia Amoruso on Her New Book, Nasty Galaxy". Interview with Maddy Budd, September 13, 2016.
  • It's definitely scary to follow a book that's been turned into a Netflix series and found as much success as Girlboss did.

    Book   Scary   Netflix  
    "#GirlBoss Sophia Amoruso on Her New Book, Nasty Galaxy". Interview with Maddy Budd, September 13, 2016.
  • You have to ask yourself a lot of questions and probably go to therapy to make sure that you're not someone who's in love with themselves. And also if you're vain enough, then you know that is a bad look!

    Looks   Enough   Vain  
  • Many people are too lazy to go out, can't afford to, or are too swamped. If you can manage your workload and get out for lunch, more power to you. You're at the wrong employer if you find yourself penalized for something so human.

  • When your goal is to gain experience, perspective, and knowledge, failure is no longer a possibility

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.100, Penguin
  • The last thing the world needs is another boring person or another boring brand, so embrace all the things that make you different. Alter your clothes all you want, but don't you dare alter your inner freak - she's got your back as much as I do.

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.103, Penguin
  • Without ego I don't know how identity works, I don't know... I need to sit down and re-read some philosophy or something.

    "#GirlBoss Sophia Amoruso on Her New Book, Nasty Galaxy". Interview with Maddy Budd, September 13, 2016.
  • The only thing I smoke is my competition

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.15, Penguin
  • It just means that your talents lie elsewhere, so take the opportunity to seek out what you are good at, and find a place where you can flourish. Once you do, you’re going to kill it.

    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.57, Penguin
  • Teamwork is not always going to be split equally, and being able to work on a team without competing with your peers is an important skill to have. If you're that good, the other things you do independently will be seen, and over time it will be obvious that you're a winner.

  • Abandon anything about your life and habits that might be holding you back

    Might   Habit   Abandon  
    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.20, Penguin
  • I didn't have weekends for the longest time and it felt so indulgent to finally have weekends.

    Weekend   Felt  
    "#GirlBoss Sophia Amoruso on Her New Book, Nasty Galaxy". Interview with Maddy Budd, September 13, 2016.
  • Treat your mind like your money, don't waste it.

    Mind   Waste   Like You  
  • There is no normal. What my job was a few years ago was completely different than what it is today. As soon as I have it dialed in, the company changes and the team changes and my role changes as a result. What the company needs is always evolving, and I don't get to choose what I want to do as much as I thought I would be now - which is OK. It keeps me in this position of learning new things and keeping me humble. There is always something I don't know, and I'm comfortable with that.

    Jobs   Team   Humble  
  • The last thing I’d ever subscribe to are fashion rules. However, I do think that you should put effort into what you wear. Clothing is ultimately the suit of armor in which we battle the world. When you choose your clothing right, it feels good. And there’s nothing shallow about feeling good. Owning your style, however, is much more about your attitude than it is about what’s on your back. But don’t underestimate the transformational possibilities that getting dressed can afford you.

  • You don't get taken seriously by asking someone to take you seriously. You’ve got to show up and own it. If this is a man’s world, who cares? I’m still really glad to be a girl in it.

    Girl   Taken   Men  
    Sophia Amoruso (2014). “#GIRLBOSS”, p.21, Penguin
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Sophia Amoruso quotes about: Challenges Opportunity Team