Steven Knight Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Steven Knight's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Screenwriter Steven Knight's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 82 quotes on this page collected since 1959! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Steven Knight: Character Film Meetings Waiting War Writing more...
  • I think that helps because there has been no formality of friendship, the politeness of friendship, so we can just work directly on the work that's ahead of us [with Tom Hardey].

  • There [in Allied] were things that were written that were cut, and things that were shot that were cut, but if the film works, they are erased from memory.

  • [Taboo] has been exactly the same as working with the BBC in that creatively they do that precious thing which is to only make a comment when a comment needs to be made.

  • You work, especially in the movie business more than in TV, but you have an environment where people feel obliged to have an input because that's what they do, and I think sometimes it can clutter things up and make things more problematic.

  • If you've read something brilliant, it's good. It's good to look out the window and see what's going on in the world.

  • I find the best way to make things real is to just put two characters into a space and let them talk to each other in the way that they would talk to each other, and then see what they would say. I know it sounds weird, but that leads the plot and takes you in another direction.

  • It has to be an actress like Marion Cotillard [in Allied] because there are so many levels to it. It's set in the Second World War, when lots of people were doing things that, outside of a war, you wouldn't do, like killing and dropping bombs. She's doing things that one wouldn't approve of, but it's war.

  • A creative person can suddenly realize it's not 90 minutes. They haven't got to do three acts, they haven't got to do the arc, but they can do other things. I think just as novellas turned into novels, I think that television series can begin to have that depth.

  • A commission and an original are two different things, and both have their virtues and vices. A commission is a bit more collaborative, in that you outline the story that you think should be told, and then you write it.

  • There's something about the evolution of television where it evolved from to the things that we're now watching and loving. It evolved from film writers, film actors, and I think gradually people are easing themselves into the amount of time they have.

  • When you're watching, I find two things happen. You either watch a film and it's really good and then you think, "Why can't I do that?" Or you watch a film and it's not good, and you think, "Why am I doing this?" So either way, it feels like being at work.

  • Whenever I see a cut of a film and something is gone, I don't notice it unless it obviously should have been kept.

  • No screenplay is possible, unless you get some attachment from somebody who's going to get it made.

  • East India Company weren't an evil organization that went around deliberately oppressing people, but they were driven by profit, and how familiar is that now?

  • I like to create a character where you believe, deep down, that they don't really care if they live or die. That's very liberating for the character because, if the character is prepared to die, then they can do anything. It's impossible to stop them.

  • Snoop [Dog] said [Peaky Blinders] reminded him of how he got involved with gang culture. It's always fantastically flattering when I see people dress like that and take on the look.

  • East India Company were a huge multinational that had the added impetus that they felt they were spreading Christian civilization around the world - so they were pretty free to do anything they wanted.

  • I'm very bad at watching anything. I'm bad at going to theaters; I can't watch my own stuff; I watch a lot of sports.

  • [The film Woman Walks Ahead] is from a long time ago. I wrote that ages ago. It looks gorgeous and Jessica [Chastain] is so good that I've got high hopes.

  • There's more to come. Series 4 [of Peaky Blinders] is coming soon. But I'm proud of making my hometown, which is considered to be completely unfashionable, slightly fashionable. People actually know where it is now.

  • True stories are always good because they're so odd, and so unlikely.

  • I'm not suggesting that ours [series] is unique in that, but they can begin to have that depth, that gravity, they can spend some time, so it's a bit more like reading a good novel, if you like.

  • Expect the unexpected, is what I'd say about Taboo. It's different. I don't think you've seen anything like it. It's getting incredible responses, so fingers crossed.

  • What happened was I was invited to meet Tom [Hardy] to discuss a project that he had in his mind about an adventurer who returns to England from Africa with secrets and with a history, and the original idea was set some 80 years later than it is now. But in the conversation I really took to the idea and I'd wanted for a while to set something in 1830 and 1840 in London, so it struck a chord.

  • Suddenly, after years of television being the poor relation and film being everything, it now feels like film is a conjuring trick. It's like, "Oh, my god, how are you going to do that in 90 minutes, as opposed to eight hours?! I've got so little time to do this!" It becomes an art form, in itself. Doing both helps you do each one.

  • I think the East India Company represents what we would think of as a very modern approach to the world where everything was counted, every penny was counted.

  • What I wanted to do [in Allied] was get two characters who fall in love for real, across the barricade, and then it transcends the war.

  • I don't think that jealousy and love and hate and anger and all those things have changed in the past 200 years - people just express themselves differently.

  • When Brad [Pitt] responded [to Allied], suddenly what was impossible became possible, which was great. But along the way, whenever I told the story, it had an affect on people. At its core, this was an effective story.

  • I always thought it would never happen. And then, it became possible. In between commissions, I wrote it as an original screenplay [Allied].

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 82 quotes from the Screenwriter Steven Knight, starting from 1959! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
Steven Knight quotes about: Character Film Meetings Waiting War Writing