Stuart Wilde Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Stuart Wilde's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Stuart Wilde's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 96 quotes on this page collected since September 24, 1946! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Successful people are usually more lively than those who are unsuccessful. The quickening of the spirit they feel comes out of their creativity, and success detaches them from the more rigid outlook on life - it puts them in the flow. So the shakers and movers, by their very nature, are moving faster, taking more risks, and investing more in the world than their less active counterparts.

    Stuart Wilde (1998). “The Trick to Money is Having Some”, p.52, Hay House, Inc
  • In a time of crisis we all have the potential to morph up to a new level and do things we never thought possible.

  • The Universal Law is impartial. It will give you anything you believe. It will throw you garbage or roses depending on the energy you put in. You are the one in charge, and you must accept that and stand alone. If you think God is coming down to fix things for you, forget it. God is out playing golf.

    Believe   Golf   Thinking  
    Stuart Wilde (1988). “Affirmations”
  • Man is basically an individual molecule of the God-Force.

  • The secret to success is to subjugate your ego and serve others.

  • We have each had the experience of others reacting to us; often there seems to be no logic to it. But in fact, people do pick up on our subtle energy, and even if they can't see it or put it into words, they feel it and, subliminally, they know. They vote yes, no or maybe according to the qualities and strength of the energy we project.

    People   Quality   Energy  
    Stuart Wilde (2011). “The Three Keys to Self-Empowerment”, p.72,
  • Poverty is restriction and as such, it is the greatest injustice you can perpetrate upon yourself.

    Stuart Wilde (1998). “The Trick to Money is Having Some”, p.1, Hay House, Inc
  • If you can't change everything all at once, then at least work on changing something each day. Become aggressive in your battle with the ego. You probably don't need all the things that it wants. You need hope, discipline, creative expression, love, and serenity-these are the important things. Remember, when you are balanced, one stepping stone will lead you to the next. But you will rarely see the whole journey or all the answers at once.

  • People are the custodians of the world's wealth; if you want them to hand some over to you, you have to be nice to people!

  • Now think about the Universal Law. It reflects to you exactly and precisely what you put out. If your thought-forms say, "I haven't got a clue about what I want," the Universal Law is going to say, "Listen, mate, if you haven't got a clue, neither have I.

    Thinking   Law   Want  
    Stuart Wilde (1998). “The Trick to Money is Having Some”, p.149, Hay House, Inc
  • It is important that the female develops a reality that honors and nurtures her femininity and has an identity and creativity of her own. It is equally important that the male in the relationship endorses that creativity.

  • Balance and good fortune can only come to a person who is balanced and feels fortunate.

    Balance   Fortune   Feels  
    Stuart Wilde (2011). “The Three Keys to Self-Empowerment”, p.66,
  • Individually we can work on ourselves. By working on your own ego and developing truth, control, and an equitable inner dialogue, you individualize the spirit within you through the process of observation. If you work on yourself, the progress you make radiates invisibly to others, helping them and giving them courage, which also improves the global picture. After all-your ego is a part of the world ego, and as you control it, you lessen the overall influence of the world ego while expanding the presence of truth on our planet.

    Stuart Wilde (1993). “More Love: Tender Moments”, White Dove International
  • The ego needs recognition. The spirit does not need to thank itself.

    Ego   Doe   Needs  
  • Money is a symbol of that life force, of its appreciation. Money can be a solidified form of love. Through the transfer of money, we facilitate love and communication with other humans. It offers us a simple system of providing for and loving and nurturing ourselves, and it is one way of expressing generosity and kindness for the less fortunate.

  • You have a divine right to choose whom you will play with and under what circumstances. By eliminating any energy drag, the positive good things in your life will resonate faster and faster.

  • My philosophy is TRUTH unto me. Through expressing my individuality I become free.

  • There is nothing more marvelous than doing something you love to do and getting paid for it. It ceases to become work, money, and effort; and it becomes fun, your expression of the joy of life.

    Stuart Wilde (1998). “The Trick to Money is Having Some”, p.117, Hay House, Inc
  • Sometimes, we just don't know enough about what we are trying to achieve.

  • Our life's journey of self-discovery is not a straight-line rise from one level of consciousness to another. Instead, it is a series of steep climbs and flat plateaus, then further climbs. Even though we all approach the journey from different directions, certain of the journey's characteristics are common to all of us.

    Stuart Wilde (1993). “More Love: Tender Moments”, White Dove International
  • The Ascension is actually the birth of the Inner You expressed as the spiritual individualism of the inner particle state.

    Stuart Wilde (1993). “Whispering Winds of Change: Perceptions of a New World”, Hay House Incorporated
  • Somewhere in your life there will be an overriding theme to your quest - some part of your desire that cannot be denied without a terrible cost to the very essence of what you are. Are you going to ignore it, or do you have the courage of your commitment and the confidence to demand that life, humanity, or circumstances give you what you want, with no other excuse, reason or apology other than that you demand it?

  • You have a divine right to abundance, and if you are anything less than a millionaire, you haven't had your fair share.

  • An affirmation is almost like a mantra. It does not really matter if what you are affirming is not totally true as yet. By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually it becomes your reality.

    Reality   Mind   Doe  
    Stuart Wilde (1988). “Affirmations”
  • In bad times, the rich usually get richer.

    Stuart Wilde (1998). “The Trick to Money is Having Some”, p.18, Hay House, Inc
  • ... the more the mind dominates, the more the ego comes into play, and the further people depart from their true inner self. So all the technological advances in the world mean nothing if people feel a spiritual void inside of them.

    Spiritual   Mean   Self  
    Stuart Wilde (1998). “The Trick to Money is Having Some”, p.178, Hay House, Inc
  • Remember that you are a teacher, you are helping people, making them feel safer, taking them from fear to love, from ignorance to knowledge.

  • If you deny yourself access to the child within because you're too serious, you also block your connection to the divine Light and your feminine self. Every creator who's any good uses their feminine side to create with.. Whether a scientist working on a hunch, a painter working on the interplay of colors, or a musician dealing with the juxtaposition of notes and chords.

    Children   Block   Light  
  • Each moment of our life, we either invoke or destroy our dreams. We call upon it to become a fact, or we cancel our previous instructions.

    Life   Dream   Thinking  
  • Seriousness is a disease of the ego

    Stuart Wilde (1996). “Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power”, p.125, Hay House, Inc
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 96 quotes from the Writer Stuart Wilde, starting from September 24, 1946! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!