Tim Tebow Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Tim Tebow's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Football player Tim Tebow's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 119 quotes on this page collected since August 14, 1987! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I'll always use the negativity as more motivation to work even harder and become even stronger.

  • If you believe, sometimes unbelievable things are possible.

  • Talk about your blessings more than you talk about your burdens.

    Twitter post from Apr 03, 2014
  • As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another

    Tim Tebow (2016). “Shaken Bible Study: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life's Storms”, p.47, WaterBrook
  • When I meet somebody I want to leave a better impression than when I got there.

  • There are several things that keep me grounded and focused... When you can humble yourself to say 'I'm no more important than anyone else. I just have a gift.'

  • I don't have to live the roller coaster other people live with my life. It's hard because people try to have an effect.

  • For me, it's to be able to see that every life matters. Every life matters - no matter where, no matter how big, no matter how small. I've been able to see that in so many of the trips that we've taken around the world. That's been something that's been so eye-opening to me. I share that concept with everyone I come in contact with, so that we can unite around people. We can unite around one nation under God here, and we can unite that everybody matters. I think in this day and age right now, it's important. People need to be able to see something bigger than themselves.

    Source: www.biblegateway.com
  • Church is the people that we get to do life with. It's the people that have courageous conversations with us. It's the people that love us. It's the people that invest in us. It's the people we get to do life with. And we also get to share with them. It's being able to have those people in our lives who we're able to inspire and they're able to inspire us. When we're down, they pick us up. When they're down, we pick them up. Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

    Source: www.biblegateway.com
  • It's OK to be outspoken about your faith.

    "Tim Tebow tells Texas worshippers: 'It's OK to be outspoken about your faith'" by Madeleine Cuff, www.theguardian.com. April 8, 2012.
  • You and I were created by God to be so much more than normal…Following the crowd is not a winning approach to life. In the end it’s a loser’s game, because we never become who God created us to be by trying to be like everybody else.

    Tim Tebow, Nathan Whitaker (2011). “Through My Eyes”, p.16, Harper Collins
  • I really try to enjoy life and have joy with what I do.

    "Tim Tebow Reveals Personal Vices, Keys to Staying Grounded in New Interview" by Sophie Schillaci, www.hollywoodreporter.com. January 13, 2012.
  • I will remain in relentless pursuit of continuing my lifelong dream of being an NFL quarterback.

    Tim Tebow (2016). “Shaken: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life's Storms”, p.17, WaterBrook
  • I'm not perfect. I'm never going to be. And that's the great thing about living the Christian life and trying to live by faith, is you're trying to get better every day. You're trying to improve.

    "Tim Tebow Discusses Faith and Football in the No Spin Zone". Interview with Bill O'Reilly, www.foxnews.com. June 03, 2011.
  • Being outspoken about my faith isn't just something that I do; it's who I am because my faith isn't just a little piece of my life. It is my life. It's not a question of whether I'm outspoken about it or not. I'm definitely not ashamed of it.

  • Mom used to quote Isaiah 64: about waiting on the Lord. It doesn't mean being complacent. It means understanding that he has a plan, and that we're not the ones in control. In the meantime, we need to strive to use our gifts and abilities fully.

  • I am someone that is very competitive. When I'm on the field, I compete. When I'm practicing, when I'm in meetings. I'm a competitor in everything.

    "NY Jets' Tim Tebow sits down for EXCLUSIVE interview with Daily News, talks Mark Sanchez and life as a backup quarterback". Interview with Manish Mehta, www.nydailynews.com. October 26, 2012.
  • I'm a people pleaser by nature, and I want to make everybody happy. But at the same time, it's not fulfilling to make everybody happy. What's fulfilling is to stand for something that's right. Now that doesn't mean you're going to be perfect. We're going to fall and we're going to mess up every day, but we can at least try to stand for something. When you stand for something, then you won't fall for everything else around you.

    Source: www.biblegateway.com
  • Along the way there's going to be a lot of obstacles, a lot of adversity, a lot of people who will tell you you're not good enough. I'm here to tell you that you are. Everyone that tells you that you're not is because they didn't accomplish something.

  • I don't try to focus on anything that doesn't affect me personally and how I go out there every single day. I'm just going to continue to work hard and focus on what I can control.

  • I have so many things to work on, and so many ways that I fail. But that's what grace is all about. and I constantly wake up every morning trying to get better, trying to improve, trying to walk closer to God.

  • So much of how we act and what we do is based on humility or pride - that's everything. And when you can humble yourself, you know, we are more like Christ when we can humble ourselves.

  • I'm going to listen to John Elway. He knows what he's talking about.

  • I don't know what my future holds, but I do know who holds my future.

  • I think you sign up to win games, and compete, and go out there and lead a team no matter how you can do that.

  • We have to humble ourselves and the way you do that is by serving other people.

  • I want to use my connections with coaches, players, celebrities, whomever, and if I can take that friendship and use it to help someone else, I'm going to take advantage of that. I'm not going to apologize for that.

    "Q&A with Tim Tebow: On his autobiography, competing to be a starter and his bachelor status". Interview with Gene Frenette, jacksonville.com. February 21, 2011.
  • I don't judge my self-worth as a football player. Football is something I love. It's a fun career deal, but it's not what I want to do with my life, because I see football as a game.

  • To have a firm foundation as a child of God is something that so many people are longing for and wanting because they're searching for something more. There's got to be more out there. What is it? Well, I can tell you what it is. It's a relationship with the God of this universe, who loves you so much. That's what is it. That's what you're searching for. That's what you're longing for, and that's what you need.

    Source: www.biblegateway.com
  • It's not the dreamers that are remembered, it's the doers.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 119 quotes from the Football player Tim Tebow, starting from August 14, 1987! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

Tim Tebow

  • Born: August 14, 1987
  • Occupation: Football player