Objectification Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Objectification". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Objectification. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Objectification!
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  • Pornography is not egalitarian and gender-free. It is predicated upon the inequality of women and is the propaganda that makes that inequality sexy. For women to find passive, objectified men sexy in large enough numbers to make a pornography industry based upon such images viable, would require the reconstruction of women's sexuality into a ruling-class sexuality. In an egalitarian society objectification would not exist and therefore the particular buzz provided by pornography, the excitement of eroticised dominance for the ruling class, would be unimaginable.

    Sexy   Men   Class  
  • For a while, I was nervous about portraying women because of the objectification that automatically comes with it, whether the artist intends or not.

    "Toyin Odutola and the Public Struggle". Interview with Julie Bramowitz, www.interviewmagazine.com. December 3, 2013.
  • The assault on our body image, the hypersexualization of girls and women and subsequent degradation of our sexuality as we walk through the decades, and the general incessant objectification is what this conversation allegedly about my face is really about.

    "Adele Nose Job Story Shouldn't Be in Headlines?" by Brittney R. Villalva, www.christianpost.com. April 12, 2012.
  • In assembling this group of portraits of women, I'm aware that I'm treading on dangerous ground. When I was in college, I learned to be distrustful of men's depictions of women. I remember seeing Garry Winogrand's book Women Are Beautiful in the school library and being shocked that it hadn't been defaced for its blatant objectification of women. But looking back, maybe I was too harsh. Whether one photographs men or women, it is always a form of objectification. Whatever you say about Winogrand, his depiction was honest.

    Beautiful   Book   School  
  • I don’t think there’s any such thing as male objectification

  • I don’t think there’s any such thing as male objectification…I think that word exists only with women because there are societal pressures for them to behave a certain way and to look a certain way. Someone put it to me once: Women are sex objects and men are success objects. That was really interesting to me.

    Sex   Thinking   Men  
  • The objectification of females is not a good thing! Not every rapper does this, but when the lyrics focus solely on the strip club, 'poppin' bottles' and how many girls they can 'tap,' it distorts what kids are learning. I think if there was more of a female presence in hip hop we could break up the monotony. It's all about balance.

    Girl   Kids   Thinking  
  • Ah," he said. "I had an . . . artistic disagreement with the director of the panto. As it happens, I take issue with the objectification of women in Cinderella, and the reliance on shoes as a means of identification. Surely you understand.

    Mean   Shoes   Issues  
    Maureen Johnson (2011). “The Last Little Blue Envelope”, p.13, Harper Collins
  • Evil is nothing but a word, an objectification where no objectification is necessary. Cast aside this notion of some external agency as the source of inconceivable inhumanity - the sad truth is our possession of an innate proclivity towards indifference, towards deliberate denial of mercy, towards disengaging all that is moral within us. But if that is too dire , let's call it evil. And paint it with fire and venom.

    Fire   Agency   Evil  
  • The evil is so ubiquitous in terms of objectification of all of us, that one can say that almost about any TV and even radio show.

    "Cornel West Reconsiders President Obama". "Talk of the Nation" with Tony Cox, www.npr.org. August 2, 2010.
  • Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.

  • Playboy has a long history of high-quality interviews along with the objectification of women, and so I think she does have a point there. I don't think that the words are necessarily nullified. It's just that that context is something you ought to be suspicious of.

    Thinking   Long   Quality  
    "Cornel West Reconsiders President Obama". "Talk of the Nation" with Tony Cox, www.npr.org. August 2, 2010.
  • Objectification is a critical reason why an abuser tends to get worse over time. As his conscience adapts to one level of cruelty-he builds to the next. By depersonalizing his partner, the abuser protects himself from the natural human emotions of guilt and empathy, so that he can sleep at night with a clear conscience. He distances himself so far from her humanity that her feelings no longer count, or simply cease to exist.

    Distance   Sleep   Night  
  • What it does remind us is that 'God' is not to be separated from the quest for the Kingdom of God and is not and cannot be the object of any detached 'scientific' contemplation. Heidegger's critique of onto-theology is also driving a wedge between speaking of God and the aims of science - not so as to get rid of God but rather to free God from a false objectification.

    "Towards hope". Interview with Richard Marshall, www.3ammagazine.com. July 18, 2014.
  • Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in eternal awareness or pure consciousness.

  • Art is the objectification of feeling.

    "Mind, An Essay on Human Feeling,". Book by Susanne Katherina Langer, vol. 1, pt. 2, ch. 4, 1967.
  • Objectification is above all exteriorization, the alienation of spirit from itself.

    "The Beginning and the End". Book by Nikolai Berdyaev, 1947.
  • Communism... is the genuine resolution of the antagonism between man and nature and between man and man; it is the true resolution of the conflict between existence and essence, objectification and self-affirmation, freedom and necessity, individual and species. It is the riddle of history solved and knows itself as the solution.

    Men   Self   Essence  
    Karl Marx, Lawrence H. Simon (1994). “Marx: Selected Writings”, p.71, Hackett Publishing
  • Art is the objectification of feeling, and the subjectification of nature.

    Art   Nature   Feelings  
    Mind: An Essay in Human Feeling vol. 1, pt. 2, ch. 4 (1967)
  • Modern schools and universities push students into habits of depersonalized learning, alienation from nature and sexuality, obedience to hierarchy, fear of authority, self-objectification, and chilling competitiveness. These character traits are the essence of the twisted personality-type of modern industrialism. They are precisely the character traits needed to maintain a social system that is utterly out of touch with nature, sexuality and real human needs.

    Real   School   Character  
    Arthur Evans (1978). “Witchcraft and the Gay counterculture: a radical view of Western civilization and some of the people it has tried to destroy”, Bookpeople
  • Plenty of women say, "I'm just going to make myself into a sex object." But they often can't stay afloat doing that. They can't maintain their sanity. Some women can, but many cannot. They think they can, but self-objectification is really dangerous.

    Source: www.avclub.com
  • It's true that in reading an interview, I have a little critique of the objectification of women in a [Playboy] magazine that is perceived to doing that.

    "Cornel West Reconsiders President Obama". "Talk of the Nation" with Tony Cox, www.npr.org. August 2, 2010.
  • The Conversation about women’s bodies exists largely outside of us, while it is also directed at and marketed to us, and used to define and control us. The Conversation about women happens everywhere, publicly and privately. We are described and detailed, our faces and bodies analyzed and picked apart, our worth ascertained and ascribed based on the reduction of personhood to simple physical objectification. Our voices, our personhood, our potential, and our accomplishments are regularly minimized and muted.

    "Ashley Judd Slaps Media in the Face for Speculation Over Her ‘Puffy’ Appearance". www.thedailybeast.com. April 09, 2012.
  • Don't forget that costumes, like dreams, are symbolic communication. Dreams teach us that a language for everything exists - for every object, every color worn, every clothing detail. Hence, costumes provide an aesthetic objectification that helps to tell the character's story.

    Federico Fellini, Bert Cardullo (2006). “Federico Fellini: Interviews”, p.164, Univ. Press of Mississippi
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