Processed Food Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Processed Food". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Processed Food. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Processed Food!
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  • I try not to overeat (which is my biggest problem), and I find that when I'm eating quality foods from good sources, I don't need to overeat to feel satisfied. I cook with healthy oils (olive, coconut) and stay away as much as possible from overly processed foods. When I do indulge, I enjoy it. For that moment. And then I balance it with exercise.

    "Origin Series: Empire Actor Adam Rodriguez On Reading Food Labels, Three Phrases to Live By, to Win for Love, Forward Thinking, and How We’re All in This Together". Interview with Robert Piper, November 16, 2015.
  • GMOs are found in nearly 80% of processed food in the United States. Currently, up to 92% of U.S. corn is consumed what are you eating GMO with zoe lister-jonesgenetically engineered, as are 94% of soybeans and 94% of cotton. In short, they are everywhere.

  • My main thing is not eating processed food.

  • Eat for nutrition and food value. Emphasize natural foods, avoid processed foods and eliminate junk entirely.

  • Every year, the average American eats as much as 33 pounds of cheese. That's up to 60,000 calories and 3,100 grams of saturated fat. So why do we eat so much cheese? Mainly it's because the government is in cahoots with the processed food industry. And instead of responding in earnest to the health crisis, they've spent the past 30 years getting people to eat more. This is the story of how we ended up doing just that.

    "Salt Sugar Fat: NY Times Reporter Michael Moss on How the Food Giants Hooked America on Junk Food". March 1, 2013.
  • Avoid buying frozen dinners and processed foods, as they are often overloaded with salt.

  • Get people back into the kitchen and combat the trend toward processed food and fast food.

  • I've never been crazy when it comes to controlling my diet. I just avoid processed foods, don't mix carbs and make sure I get my protein. I'm a carnivore. I love my wild game and especially my buffalo meat.

    Interview with John Scott Lewinski, March 16, 2011.
  • Processed foods cause inflammation, a source of most chronic illnesses as well as stress.

  • NO PROCESSED FOODS! Natural is best. Straight from the garden. Avoid the tins.

  • The primary benefit of a vegan diet is that the removal of animal products usually necessitates a higher amount of nutrient-rich plant produce. The cons of a vegan diet could be the inclusion of too much heavily processed food, including seitan and isolated soy protein, flour, sweeteners and oils.

  • I am extremely active and conscious of not eating any processed foods.

  • I wouldn't say that processed food, ready meals and even takeaways aren't relevant to modern life, it's just that over the past 40 years there are three generations of people who have come out of school and gone through their home life without ever being shown how to cook properly.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • The notion that processed food is cheap and integrity foods are prohibitively expensive is simply not true.

  • I can safely say that other than macaroni and cheese, there's no processed food in my life. There's no inorganic food in my life these days. There's no junk food. There's not a lot of sugar. There's no soy. I mean, really everything that's going into my body is pretty pure.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • All my clients eat. Madonna has a very healthy appetite. She doesn't eat processed food, she's very conscious of the quality of the things she eats but she has treats - she loves cupcakes.

    "Madonna's personal trainer Tracy Anderson says she'll never let her get fat". January 16, 2009.
  • The ideal human diet looks like this: Consume plant-based foods in forms as close to their natural state as possible (“whole” foods). Eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, raw nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, and whole grains. Avoid heavily processed foods and animal products. Stay away from added salt, oil, and sugar. Aim to get 80 percent of your calories from carbohydrates, 10 percent from fat, and 10 percent from protein.

    T. Colin Campbell, Howard Jacobson (2013). “Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition”, p.17, BenBella Books, Inc.
  • I've been more conscious of my salt intake, sugar intake, making sure I'm not eating as many processed foods.

  • My mom was [a hippie]. We weren't allowed sugar cereal. We weren't allowed processed foods - except Van de Kamp's fish sticks. We never locked the front door.

    "Motherhood Quotes from the Pages of ELLE". May 11, 2012.
  • I think a strict vegetarian diet acts as a good cleansing program for people who come from a diet heavy in animal foods and processed foods. But for some people, when it goes on too long it seems to backfire.

  • I eat some fruit every day, but not too much and almost no processed food. I stay away from sweets, except 80 per cent chocolate.

  • I can't eat processed food.

  • As for butter versus margarine, I trust cows more than chemists.

  • Research has shown that even small amounts of processed food alter the chemical balance in our brain and cause negative mood swings along with noticeable dips ill energy.

  • I really do think that cooking is very important. It's really important for the farmers because it means you're going to be buying real food and not processed food, so that means the farmers will capture more of your food dollar.

  • As I spoke with scientists about the way fat behaves, I couldn't resist drawing an analogy to the realm of narcotics. If sugar is the methamphetamine of processed food ingredients, with its high-speed, blunt assault on our brains, then fat is the opiate, a smooth operator whose effects are less obvious but no less powerful.

  • When a body is in an alkaline state, it avoids disease, but when it's in an acidic state - where you're eating a lot of processed foods, meat, dairy - you're not going to have that hydration in your body, and you're not going to have that ability to fight off disease, and it's going to impact your immune system and the inflammation in your body too.

  • It was very important thousands of years ago to categorize things. I can eat that plant, I can't eat that plant. Or this tribe, not that tribe. We don't have to do that anymore - we have processed food now!

  • Don't eat processed food, refined food but rather organic food from the earth - nothing with genetically - modified ingredients.

  • I try not to eat processed foods, well, ever. If it comes from a lab or a factory, I don't want it.

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