Amy Cuddy Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Amy Cuddy's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Social Psychologist Amy Cuddy's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since 1972! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • I hear from so many women who really started to pay attention to it at all times and stopped, you know, touching their faces and necks and playing with their hair and twisting their legs. I think women become more aware of it when they learn about this stuff, and you see their body language change.

  • Power is generally defined as control over resources and control over access to resources, which often means control over other people because we're thinking about things like financial resources or shelter, or even love and affection, but we also possess resources that we sometimes can't access.

  • Even more dramatic, Alex Todorov at Princeton has shown us that judgments of political candidates' faces in just one second predict 70 percent of U.S. Senate and gubernatorial race outcomes, and even, let's go digital, emoticons used well in online negotiations can lead to you claim more value from that negotiation. If you use them poorly, bad idea. Right? So when we think of nonverbals, we think of how we judge others, how they judge us and what the outcomes are. We tend to forget, though, the other audience that's influenced by our nonverbals, and that's ourselves.

  • The whole body-mind thing comes into play, when you are feeling that self-doubt and your body is not going to help you if you're not paying attention. Your body's going to go with the self-doubt and make you feel worse, so by making the adjustments - pulling your shoulders back, standing up straight, walking in a more sort of expansive way - all sorts of little things will help pull you out of that self-doubt.

  • Our nonverbals govern how other people think and feel about us.

    "Your body language may shape who you are". TED conference, June 2012.
  • Don't fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it.

    Amy Cuddy (2015). “Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges”, Hachette UK
  • That's the dream scenario: when people approach these stressful situations not focused on that concrete outcome but just focused on being there and being themselves and enjoying connecting with people. You're not going to be present all the time, but if you can figure out how to connect with yourself and bring that self forth in those moments, you will probably be feeling a lot better over time, and it's likely that even though you're not focused on the outcome, the outcomes will be better.

  • When we think of nonverbals, we think of how we judge others. … We tend to forget, though, the other audience that's influenced by our nonverbals: ourselves.

  • My primary goal is really to get people to open up and when they feel themselves contracting and collapsing to reduce that, and to know when that happens, "Oh, something's going on that's making me feel this way, and if I force my body open a bit, I will feel less powerless."

  • Your body language shapes who you are

    Amy Cuddy (2016). “Presença - Aprenda a impor-se aos grandes desafios”, p.312, Leya
  • Everyone is walking around with these self doubts, so there's something reassuring about that. And self-doubt in one or a few areas doesn't mean that you have generally low self-esteem. And you have the power to get yourself out of feeling that way.

  • I would say there is a conversation happening between your body and mind all the time. Even when you're sleeping, your body is communicating the information to your mind. And so to me it feels like, why not harness that? If it's happening all the time, why not control the content of the conversation?

  • Our bodies change our minds and our minds can change our behavior and our behavior can change our outcomes.

    "Does Body Language Shape Who You Are?". "TED Radio Hour" with Guy Raz, December 13, 2013.
  • Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes.

    "Your body language may shape who you are". TED Talk, June, 2012.
  • I've been studying sexism for many years, and it's much easier to document the existence of sexism than it is to document the existence of interventions that reduce it. It's really hard to find ways to change the way people see people in different groups. It should be our goal, and we're working for that, but it's hard.

  • When we close ourselves off, we're not just closing ourselves off to other people, we're closing ourselves off from ourselves and impeding ourselves. When you open up, you allow yourself to be who you are.

  • Trust is the conduit for influence; it's the medium through which ideas travel.

    "Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are" by Amy Cuddy, January 20, 2013.
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 4 quotes from the Social Psychologist Amy Cuddy, starting from 1972! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
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