Gayle Forman Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Gayle Forman's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Gayle Forman's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 257 quotes on this page collected since June 5, 1970! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Bribes are the glue that's kept teenagers and parents connected for generations

  • It's not that people like sad movies that make us feel like, "Oh, my god, what a bummer." We like emotionally moving experiences, where you feel like a slightly different person and you see the world a little different, after you finish. It lets you see your own life, in a different way, and it actually makes you feel really good. And even though there might be sad content making this happen, the feeling that you're left with is one that is quite good, quite hopeful, clarifying and uplifting.

  • It's just accidental, just temporary. Until the next accident sends me somewhere new. That's how life works.

    Gayle Forman (2013). “Just One Day”, p.35, Penguin
  • There are so many things that demand to be said. Where did you go? Do you ever think about me? You've ruined me. Are you okay? But of course, I can't say any of that.

    FaceBook post by Gayle Forman from Jun 05, 2015
  • And that's when I understand that I have been stained. Whether I'm still in love with him, whether he was ever in love with me, and no matter who he's in love with now, Willem changed my life. He showed me how to get lost, and then I showed myself how to get found.

    Gayle Forman (2013). “Just One Day”, p.217, Penguin
  • One day she told me that they'd decided that my gender was divvied into two neat piles-Men and Guys. Basically, all the saints of the world: Men. The jerks, the players, the wet T-shirt contest aficionados? They were Guys.

    Gayle Forman (2011). “Where She Went”, p.73, Penguin
  • You know, I thought about that a lot these last couple of years," She says in a choked voice. "About who was there for you. Who held your hand while you grieved for all that you'd lost?

    Gayle Forman (2011). “Where She Went”, p.119, Penguin
  • She's still beautiful. Not in an obvious Vanessa LeGrande or Byrn Shraeder kind of way. In a quiet way that's always been devastating to me.

  • There were signs. Probably more of them than I ever caught, even after the fact. But I missed them all. Maybe because I wasn’t looking for them. I was too busy checking over my shoulder at the fire I’d just come through to pay much attention to the thousand-foot cliff looming in front of me.

    Gayle Forman (2011). “Where She Went”, p.55, Penguin
  • I actually feel something in my chest open, a feeling so intense, it’s like my heart’s about to burst. And I just let it. I just let it out.

    Gayle Forman (2011). “Where She Went”, p.95, Penguin
  • (P)eople’s good intentions can wind up putting us in boxes as confining as coffins.

    Gayle Forman (2011). “Where She Went”, p.92, Penguin
  • he kissed me hard. "Promise me. Promise me you'll spend New Year's with me next year," he whispered into my ear.

  • But it's a big ocean. It's an even bigger world. And maybe we've gotten as close as we're supposed to get.

    Gayle Forman (2013). “Just One Year”, p.71, Penguin
  • You can have your wishes, your plans, but at the end of the day, it's out of your control -Mia

    Gayle Forman (2009). “If I Stay”, p.82, Penguin
  • He can't possibly live up to the person you've built him to be

    Gayle Forman (2013). “Just One Day”, p.168, Penguin
  • There are like twenty people in that waiting room right now. Some of them are related to you. Some of them are not. But we're all your family.' "She stops now. Leans over me so that the wisps of her hair tickle my face. She kisses me on the forehead. 'You still have a family,' she whispers.

  • It was selfish what I asked her to do, even if it wound up being the most unselfish thing I've ever done.

  • Stains are even worse when you're the only one who can see them.

    Gayle Forman (2013). “Just One Day”, p.103, Penguin
  • I needed to hate someone and you’re the one I love the most, so it fell on you.

    FaceBook post by Gayle Forman from Feb 15, 2014
  • This is myself, baby. All of my selves. I own each and every one of them. I know who I'm pretending to be and who I am." The look he gives me is withering. "Do you?

    Gayle Forman (2013). “Just One Day”, p.130, Penguin
  • Suddenly, it's all too much. Bryn and the bump watch. Vanessa with my high school yearbook. The idea that nothing's sacred. Everything's fodder. That my life belongs to anyone but me.

    Gayle Forman (2011). “Where She Went”, p.16, Penguin
  • Hate me. Devastate me. Annihilate me. Re-create me. Re-create me. Won't you, won't you won't you re-create me.

  • It's funny the things you think you're scared of until they're upon you, and then you're not.

    FaceBook post by Gayle Forman from Feb 03, 2013
  • Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you.

    FaceBook post by Gayle Forman from Oct 16, 2014
  • And the voice grows stronger and stronger, and it’s my voice this time and it’s asking a question: How does she know?

    Gayle Forman (2011). “Where She Went”, p.98, Penguin
  • Sometimes the best way to find out what you’re supposed to do is by doing the thing you’re not supposed to do.

    FaceBook post by Gayle Forman from Dec 11, 2013
  • The truth and its opposite are flip sides of the same coin.

    Gayle Forman (2013). “Just One Year”, p.168, Penguin
  • I don't hate you. I don't think I ever really did. It was just anger. And once I faced it head-on, once understood it, it dissipated. -Mia

  • All night long if you want. We'll tell our secrets to the dark.

    Gayle Forman (2011). “Where She Went”, p.87, Penguin
  • All relationships are tough. Just like with music, sometimes you have harmony and other times you have cacophony.

    FaceBook post by Gayle Forman from Jun 07, 2014
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 257 quotes from the Writer Gayle Forman, starting from June 5, 1970! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!