Rainbow Rowell Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Rainbow Rowell's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Rainbow Rowell's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 2 quotes on this page collected since 1973! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Drinking tequila is more about the journey than the destination

    Rainbow Rowell (2016). “The Rainbow Rowell Collection: Eleanor & Park, Fangirl, Landline, and Carry On”, p.324, St. Martin's Griffin
  • It's okay if you're crazy," he said softly. "You don't even know-" "I don't have to know," he said. "I'm rooting for you.

    Rainbow Rowell (2013). “Fangirl”, p.199, Pan Macmillan
  • Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow,' he said.

    Rainbow Rowell (2013). “Fangirl: A Novel”, p.298, Macmillan
  • I was in my mid 20s when email finally took off. Until then, the phone was my primary way of connecting with the people in my life.

    "The Lost Art Of Telephone Conversation" by Rainbow Rowell, www.huffingtonpost.com. July 7, 2014.
  • She’d majored in English, hoping that meant she could spend the next four years reading and writing. And maybe the next four years after that.

    Rainbow Rowell (2013). “Fangirl”, p.16, Pan Macmillan
  • Cath wished she didn't use the word "just" so much. It was her passive-aggressive tell, like someone who twitched when they were lying.

    Rainbow Rowell (2013). “Fangirl”, p.51, Pan Macmillan
  • It never occurred to me when I was young that I could be an author. That would be like saying, "I want to be a movie star" or "I want to be a wizard." I didn't have any concept of what that path would look like. Maybe that's why I didn't publish my first book until I was 38.

    Source: www.theguardian.com
  • Smiling is confusing, she thought. This is why I don’t do it.

    Rainbow Rowell (2013). “Fangirl”, p.149, Pan Macmillan
  • There was just no fear in her.

    Rainbow Rowell (2016). “The Rainbow Rowell YA Collection”, p.447, St. Martin's Griffin
  • He looked exactly like a rat. Like the human being version of a rat. Like the villain in a Don Bluth movie.

    Rainbow Rowell (2013). “Eleanor & Park”, p.42, Macmillan
  • You give away nice like it doesn't cost you anything.

    Rainbow Rowell (2016). “The Rainbow Rowell YA Collection”, p.547, St. Martin's Griffin
  • Levi was smiling. He kicked her chair again.

    Rainbow Rowell (2013). “Fangirl: A Novel”, p.147, St. Martin's Griffin
  • I think he just gets like this sometimes. Like he needs to pull away. I think of it like winter. During winter, it isn't that the sun is gone (or cheating on you with another planet). You can still see it in the sky. It's just farther away.

    Rainbow Rowell (2011). “Attachments”, p.100, Hachette UK
  • <> It's nice of you to say I'm your best friend. <> You are my best friend, dummy. <> Really? You are my best friend. But I always assumed that somebody else was your best friend, and I was totally okay with that. You don't have to say that I'm your best friend just to make me feel good. <> You're so lame. <> That's why I figured somebody else was your best friend.

  • That girl had the subtlety of a Spencer’s Gifts shop.

    Rainbow Rowell (2013). “Fangirl”, p.93, Pan Macmillan
  • She didn't want to run, period. It made her breasts feel like they were going to detach from her body.

    Rainbow Rowell (2013). “Eleanor & Park”, p.62, Macmillan
  • I'm sort of...coming off a bad relationship," "When did it end?" "Slightly before it started.

    Rainbow Rowell (2011). “Attachments: A Novel”, p.263, Penguin
  • Looks like somebody's got jungle fever.' 'That's not even the right kind of racist.

  • You know," he said, "I keep wanting to say that it's like Simon Snow threw up in here... but it's more like someone else ate Simon Snow—like somebody went to an all-you-care-to-eat Simon Snow buffet—and then threw up in here.

    Rainbow Rowell (2016). “The Rainbow Rowell Collection: Eleanor & Park, Fangirl, Landline, and Carry On”, p.590, St. Martin's Griffin
  • Fitting together is something you work at. It’s something you make happen—because you love each other.

  • All of her bones seemed more purposeful than other people’s. Like they weren’t just there to hold her up, they were there to make a point.

    Rainbow Rowell (2016). “The Rainbow Rowell YA Collection”, p.18, St. Martin's Griffin
  • So...I'm larking through the Baby Gap, looking at tiny capri pants and sweaters that cost more than ... I don't know,more than they should. And I get totally sucked in by this ridiculous, tiny fur coat. The kind of coat a baby might need to go to the ballet. In Moscow. In 1918. To match her tiny pearls.

    Rainbow Rowell (2011). “Attachments”, p.64, Hachette UK
  • I like science fiction, I like fantasy, I like time travel, so I had this idea: What if you had a phone that could call into the past?

  • Holding Eleanor’s hand was like holding a butterfly. Or a heartbeat. Like holding something complete, and completely alive. As soon as he touched her, he wondered how he’d gone this long without doing it. He rubbed his thumb through her palm and up her fingers, and was aware of her every breath.

    Rainbow Rowell (2013). “Eleanor & Park”, p.71, Macmillan
  • But you're so helpless sometimes. It's like watching a kitten with its head trapped in a Kleenex box.

    Rainbow Rowell (2013). “Fangirl”, p.205, Pan Macmillan
  • You win when no one finds you, even if they're not looking.

    Rainbow Rowell (2016). “The Rainbow Rowell Collection: Eleanor & Park, Fangirl, Landline, and Carry On”, p.691, St. Martin's Griffin
  • Don't bite his face, Eleanor told herself. It's disturbing and needy and never happens in situation comedies or movies that end with big kisses.

    Rainbow Rowell (2016). “The Rainbow Rowell Collection: Eleanor & Park, Fangirl, Landline, and Carry On”, p.144, St. Martin's Griffin
  • You think I'm cute?" He said thinkly, pulling on her hand. She was glad he couldn't see her face. "I think you're..." Beautiful. Breathtaking. Like the person in a Greek myth who makes one of the gods stop caring about being a god.

  • He didn't take her breath away. Maybe the opposite. But that was okay-that was really good, actually, to be near someone who filled your lungs with air.

    Rainbow Rowell (2014). “Landline: A Novel”, p.80, St. Martin's Press
  • He never hurries. He never shows his cards. He always hangs up first....Like when we first started talking on the phone, he would always be the one who got off first. When we kissed, he always pulled away first. He always kept me just on the edge of crazy. Feeling like I wanted him too much, which just made me want him more....[It was] excruciating and wonderful. It feels good to want something that bad. I thought about him the way you think about dinner when you haven't eaten for a day and a half. Like you'd sell your soul for it.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 2 quotes from the Author Rainbow Rowell, starting from 1973! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!