Jim Goad Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Jim Goad's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Jim Goad's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 99 quotes on this page collected since June 12, 1961! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Jim Goad: Giving Hatred Pleasure Violence Writing more...
  • Have you ever taken a sober look at any of the mutants who run these Hollywood-gossip sites? What a crew! None of them could ever, ever be stars, which is why they're always trying to "take the piss" from those they envy.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • My hatred is a thousand times more powerful than all your good intentions.

  • Hatred is the air I breathe. It permeates every cell in my body.

  • I still partially suffer from the delusion that if you explain things logically and systematically, most people will abandon their emotional prejudices and respond to logic. But I don't suffer from that delusion as wholeheartedly as I did in the past. So if there's a fundamental difference, it's that I've accepted the fact that most imbeciles will never 'get' me and I shouldn't allow myself to get so upset about it.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • Though your major media kept smacking me upside the head with the word "multicultural," you goddamned Australians are the most racist bunch of people I've ever seen in my life.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • Unlike the vast majority of people, I've been locked in a box like an animal and I've also been on the receiving end of bloody thrashings, so I feel uniquely qualified to judge which is worse.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • A Manhattan lawyer who describes himself as "America`s leading expert on the militia movement" writes that he hugged his three-year-old kid the night of the Oklahoma City bombing. He told junior that it happened "because they hated too much" For now, let`s accept the premise that one hundred sixty-eight humans died in Oklahoma City because people "hated too much" Now answer these questions if you would be so kind: did a federal sniper shoot Vicki Weaver in the face because he hated too much? Did our government conduct the Tuskegee with syphilis on black soldiers because it hated too much?

    Writing   Kids   Night  
  • I tend not to hang with 'the crowd' because I believe that at any given moment in history, the crowd is only standing somewhere because some lone, brave nutjob broke down the walls for them first.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • I didn't see much besides Melbourne and a quick trip down to the Twelve Apostles, but all the Aussies I encountered were good-spirited and had a fine sense of humor.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • I don't think it's entirely paranoid to suspect that one day, you won't be able to so much as question the primary tenets of anti-racism without going to jail.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • Most of those who spend their lives as critics secretly wish they'd be considered important enough for someone to bother criticizing them.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • If anything, I've probably tended more toward humor in my writing and veered more toward pleasure in my personal life.

    Writing   Pleasure   Ifs  
    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • When you're indiscriminate in allowing people to post, the loudest and emptiest voices invariably drown out everyone else.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • People huddle together in doctrinaire herds, and the same jackasses who, without the slightest risk, now scream against racism are the same conformist personality types who would have carried torches in lynch mobs a century ago.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • In a perverse way, it's very patriarchal to think that women can't be malicious or violent.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • I'll argue anyone into the dust when it comes to facts.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • It was simultaneously refreshing and a bit shocking to see how cavalierly most Aussies toss out slurs and insults about nonwhites.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • I was exposed to violence while I was still in the womb - my father punched my mother in the stomach while she was pregnant with me.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • One of the greatest pleasures I get from my measly professional career is confusing people. "Wait - he beats women and seems like a Nazi, but he has impeccable grammar and keen reasoning skills and sings country music and can, from time to time, say or do something really funny?" It absolutely doesn't compute for them. I enjoy that immensely.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • The leftist drive for control is insatiable.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • What's absolutely impossible to prove is the idea of innate and everlasting equality.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • I'm developing a mild rash at the idea of "plugging" anything, because it's not how I roll.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • I'll hit anyone who's seriously threatening my life... that's what happened, and that's what sent me to prison.

  • In contrast to how my father treated me, I won't hit him, I won't call him evil, I'll give him affection, and I'll pay attention to him.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • The vegan diet is obviously lacking whatever essential nutrient it is that makes people likeable.

  • It's not exactly courageous to be an anti-racist these days; a hundred years ago, it was.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • Show me pornography which promotes violence against women, and I'll buy it.

  • Beware of anyone who calls you bad names merely for asking honest questions. Beware of anyone who insists on reframing your sincere curiosity as a character defect. Beware of anyone who questions your motives while ignoring your facts. When someone calls you bad names merely for asking questions, it suggests they know the answer but are terrified to admit it.

  • What's good and bad, sweet spirit, are in the eye of the beholder.

    Source: love-and-pop.com
  • I believe that to some degree there are situational and psychological laws of cause-and-effect, but I don't believe there's some Über-soul who doles out "justice."

    Source: love-and-pop.com
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 99 quotes from the Author Jim Goad, starting from June 12, 1961! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Jim Goad quotes about: Giving Hatred Pleasure Violence Writing